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New York agency Collective launches new campaign to promote itself

Keen busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers search­ing for inno­v­a­tive ways of boost­ing their agency’s for­tunes might con­sid­er emu­lat­ing Col­lec­tive, a New York dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing ser­vices com­pa­ny which has just launched a brand­ing cam­paign to pro­mote itself. The cam­paign uses the same tech­niques nor­mal­ly reserved for clients, and

UK based AR advertising startup Blippar marks one year of successful business in the US

The UK-based aug­­men­t­ed-real­i­­ty adver­tis­ing start­up ‘Blip­par’, which was launched in 2011, has just cel­e­brat­ed its first anniver­sary in the U.S. – and it’ll excite the inter­est of inno­­va­­tion-hun­­gry art direc­tors and account man­agers work­ing in tra­di­tion­al adver­tis­ing agen­cies. The startup’s total of 3 mil­lion users