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Mobile ad spend took off big time in 2013, says eMarketer

Peo­ple hold­ing media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies have final­ly seen the fruits of their labor pay off. Accord­ing to a new report from eMar­keter fea­tured in AdAge and sev­er­al oth­er news out­lets, mobile adver­tis­ing spend is on course to dou­ble by the close of

A new app for a new ecommerce idea: meet Bib +Tuck

New York-based fash­ion ecom­merce start­up Bib + Tuck has just launched its first app, short­ly after a $600,000 seed fund­ing injec­tion. Ecom­merce ana­lysts inter­est­ed in up-and-com­ing ideas might do well to lis­ten to this ris­ing company’s sto­ry. Bridg­ing fast with lux­u­ry Found­ed in Novem­ber 2012

ZenithOptimedia predicts mobile ad spend explosion

Peo­ple work­ing in media jobs for mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies could be for­giv­en for feel­ing a lit­tle con­fused by two new adver­tis­ing expen­di­ture fore­casts. ZenithOp­ti­me­dia has tak­en a bull­ish­ly opti­mistic view of the com­ing three years, pre­dict­ing that mobile adver­tis­ing will expand to 36 per­cent of