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The 63 Year Old Gaming Publisher Publisher's Clearing House

The 63 Year Old Gaming Publisher

If you’re look­ing for media jobs with new and inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies, it’s like­ly that you may have inves­ti­gat­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties with a gam­ing pub­lish­er. After all, gam­ing is one of the fastest grow­ing and most pop­u­lar mar­kets in the world with­in the sphere of tech­nol­o­gy. But gam­ing isn’t only, as

Google IO 16 What you need to know

What You Need to Know from Google I/O 16

If you are a busi­ness type that wants to make $1 mil­lion or more at your next job, then Google I/O 16, is an event you should fol­low. Since when is a techie event crit­i­cal learn­ing for busi­ness types?  Because it updates you on how

Octopus GE ad campaign

General Electric is Prepared for Octopus

Is it even pos­si­ble to stand out and get noticed through adver­tis­ing cam­paigns any­more? Of course, but in an age where almost lit­er­al­ly every­thing you could ever want to know about any­thing is avail­able with a few key­strokes, you may need to use octo­pus­es rain­ing from

Could the sale of Yahoo be the Next Google

Could the Sale of Yahoo become the Next Google

When we think about who the next Google or Face­book might be, we’re usu­al­ly con­sid­er­ing star­tups, fledg­ling com­pa­nies, or even ideas that haven’t been prop­er­ly trans­lat­ed into busi­ness­es yet. It’s not often that “the next big thing” is actu­al­ly an old thing that just still exists.

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Dis­rupt brought over 100 new star­tups to Brook­lyn NY from May 9th the 11th 2016 for three days of pre­sen­ta­tions, meet and greets and new ideas.  Media Jobs talked with a num­ber of them. Here is our first sam­pling of some of the inter­est­ing innovations

Want to work for Google or AirBNB? Move to Cuba

Want to work for Google or AirBNB? Move to Cuba

With most of the world explored and exploit­ed Cuba may yet be a new unchart­ed fron­tier for media and tech careerists. Cuba may yet be the great­est oppor­tu­ni­ty for this mil­len­ni­um so far with dig­i­tal expan­sion one of the pri­or­i­ties. Seems like every­one wants to get