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New York mobile advertising service unveils new native ad SDK

Inno­va­tion-hun­gry pros hold­ing media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies have a new weapon to add to their armory in the mobile adver­tis­ing bat­tle­field: the new ad SDK from has just been launched in beta.

The need for deep linking

Cre­at­ed by Cel­log­ic, which has its US head­quar­ters in New York, it’s the lat­est in a series of deep link­ing tools for mar­keters and devel­op­ers from the com­pa­ny: a soft­ware devel­op­ment kit designed to assist devel­op­ers to route both organ­ic and paid traf­fic to oth­er apps on Cellogic’s retar­get­ing net­work and to receive traf­fic as payback.

Cellogic’s orig­i­nal aim upon its launch in 2010 was to devel­op Nex­tap, a con­tent dis­cov­ery net­work for mobile. But in so doing it began to fig­ure out that there was a cry­ing need for a deep link­ing ser­vice, too. Which is where comes in. Launched last May, it pro­vides smarter links to devel­op­ers so that they can guide users to exact­ly the right place with­in an app with one tap, or (if the app isn’t installed on their phones) to a mobile land­ing page, or to the desired web land­ing page if a linked is clicked by non-mobile users.

Cellogic’s CEO Ita­mar Weis­brod says that adop­tion of the ser­vice has now hit the “sin­gle thou­sands” and sev­er­al medi­um and large app pub­lish­ers are amongst the cus­tomers, includ­ing YPlan, Jack­Threads, Thread­flip, and Japan­ese shop­ping app Fril.

He said:

“Peo­ple were inte­grat­ing links and just replac­ing what­ev­er land­ing page URL they were using in their ad cam­paign with our links. It auto­mat­i­cal­ly enhanced their ad cam­paign, and made it a deep link campaign.”

Fac­ing the com­pe­ti­tion 

The new SDK will bun­dle the company’s deep link­ing ser­vice more deeply onto mobile apps, pit­ting the start­up against rivals like Tap­Com­merce, Apps­fire and URX, all of which also offer tools for deep link-enabled mobile ads as well as oth­er retar­get­ing solutions.

Up until now, the startup’s deep link­ing ser­vice has been free of charge but with high­er vol­ume traf­fic in the off­ing, a pric­ing plan is being developed.

There could be a lit­tle trou­ble ahead, how­ev­er. Appfire’s CEO Ouriel Ohay­on has con­tact­ed TechCrunch to com­plain that the solu­tion looks way too much like his own.

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