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New York content marketing startup Contently takes the multimedia turn

Here’s a ques­tion to tax the gray mat­ter of enter­pris­ing tech prod­uct man­agers and chief rev­enue offi­cers: how do you get your new­ly-launched tech com­pa­ny to trans­form the 48 cents you have sit­ting in your bank account into well over $1 mil­lion in rev­enue in a few short years? If the answer clam­or­ing for atten­tion is “impos­si­ble”, Shane Snow, co-founder of the New York-based con­tent mar­ket­ing Con­tent­ly would beg to dif­fer, because that’s exact­ly what he and his two bud­dies achieved with Con­tent­ly by link­ing brands to con­tent-cre­at­ing journalists.

From text to multimedia

Snow agrees that con­tent mar­ket­ing is an espe­cial­ly hot new space which every­one is clam­or­ing to get a piece of, as any prod­uct man­ag­er in this part of the tech mar­ket can con­firm. But Snow and his col­leagues have pret­ty sound busi­ness anten­nae; they’ve real­ized that, as this form of mar­ket­ing matures, brands want more than the writ­ten word for their con­tent. That’s why Con­tent­ly is expand­ing its ros­ter of free­lance jour­nal­ists to include experts in mul­ti­me­dia messaging.

Snow explains:

“We’re get­ting more inquiries around info­graph­ics and videos and pho­tos. There’s more than one way to tell a sto­ry. Often the best way to tell a sto­ry is not through the [writ­ten word].”

Top tal­ent 

The new mul­ti­me­dia turn at Con­tent­ly now involves 100 pro­fes­sion­al con­tent con­trib­u­tors, all of whom are pro­fi­cient mul­ti­me­dia experts. They’re also all indi­vid­u­al­ly screened by Con­tent­ly staff to make sure that they’ve already had mul­ti­me­dia work pub­lished in a top mag­a­zine, news­pa­per or online pub­li­ca­tion. Con­trib­u­tors now include a hand­ful of small video com­pa­nies, although around half of the 100-strong army of the startup’s con­tent cre­ators are estab­lished mem­bers of its orig­i­nal network.

Despite being demur about the brands which are about to launch new mul­ti­me­dia cam­paigns with Con­tent­ly, Snow con­firmed that the startup’s ear­li­er mul­ti­me­dia offer­ings have been tak­en up by some com­mer­cial­ly hefty clients, includ­ing Amer­i­can Express, GE and Facebook.

The new mul­ti­me­dia team is dwarfed in num­ber by the startup’s net­work of writ­ers, which is cur­rent­ly around 25,000 strong. But the cal­iber of the new con­trib­u­tors is envi­able, with names like Emmy Award-win­ning jour­nal­ist Kar­lyn Michel­son and HBO doc­u­men­tary pro­duc­er Matt Tyson includ­ed on the mul­ti­me­dia roster.

That, prod­uct man­agers, is how to go from 48 cents to $1m+.

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