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Find the Perfect Media Sales Job in 5 Simple Steps

Find­ing a media sales job might not be the eas­i­est task to approach these days, but for some peo­ple it can mean the dif­fer­ence between putting food on the table and hav­ing to resort to eat­ing at the fam­i­ly home. 

Media sales jobs are an excit­ing avenue of work to ven­ture down, and also seem to be stand­ing fast against the fad­ing econ­o­my. What if find­ing a media sales job was as easy as 1–2‑3? Well how about as easy as 1–2‑3–4‑5? Below are 5 steps to find­ing the per­fect media sales job for you. Accord­ing to Mary Eliz­a­beth Brad­ford, a writer for Ezine Arti­cles, it is com­plete­ly viable to land numer­ous inter­views, media sales job ori­en­tat­ed or oth­er­wise, even with the cur­rent state of the econ­o­my. There are a few inter­est­ing points to note in the arti­cle that have been rep­re­sent­ed below. 

  1. Net­work. Speak to peo­ple in the media sales job posi­tions that you favor, and get their input on how to approach the indus­try. Allow­ing them to tell their sto­ry of how they land­ed their media sales job could either give you the answers you were look­ing for, or could be a way towards ven­tur­ing to ask them to speak to the right peo­ple on your behalf.

  2. Pre­pare your resume before approach­ing com­pa­nies for poten­tial media sales jobs. Make sure that all the infor­ma­tion con­tained there­in is appro­pri­ate to the media sales job you are apply­ing for, and that there are no loose ends that have no valid­i­ty. Your resume should be con­cise, infor­ma­tive, pro­fes­sion­al­ly pre­sent­ed and geared towards the media sales job industry. 

  3. Line up a list of con­tactable ref­er­ences that can back up your appli­ca­tion for a media sales job by stat­ing how effi­cient or hard work­ing you are. It is point­less to offer a ref­er­ence from some­one who fired you from your last posi­tion or thought that you did­n’t have the appro­pri­ate skills for the job at hand. List the names of those peo­ple who will sing your prais­es. A media sales job can be trained for, so even if your expe­ri­ence does­n’t match up to the media sales job itself, your ref­er­ences can set you in the right direc­tion for success.

  4. As per the Ezine Arti­cle link above, encoun­ter­ing com­pe­ti­tion when apply­ing for a media sales job is a giv­en, so opt­ing to apply for posi­tions in media sales jobs dur­ing off months like the Decem­ber hol­i­day peri­od would be an excel­lent place to start. You will always have peo­ple con­test­ing for the same media sales job as you. By apply­ing for media sales jobs in ime with when these peo­ple are sure to be expe­ri­enc­ing down­time, you can give your­self the advan­tage of being organised.

  5. Remain cool and con­fi­dent at all times. Through the appli­ca­tion process for your media sales job, through any pos­si­ble call­backs for the media sales job, and through the inter­view process if you man­age to get that far. A per­son who is self-assured is far more like­ly to suc­ceed in any posi­tion than a per­son who is soft spo­ken and unsure of themselves.

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