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These are the Media Jobs of Tomorrow Here Today

Are you ready to work in the future? No, we haven’t dis­cov­ered a start­up that is ready to devel­op and mar­ket time machines. Not yet any­way, but we’re still look­ing. How about the media jobs of the future? That’s what we’re bring­ing you today, a list of next-gen­er­a­tion com­pa­nies that are the lat­est cho­sen few for the Dis­ney Accel­er­a­tor, the cor­po­rate accel­er­a­tor pro­gram run by the Walt Dis­ney Company.

The media jobs at these com­pa­nies and will be high­ly sought after for open­ings by any­one look­ing for posi­tions in vir­tu­al real­i­tyrobot­ics, influ­ence mar­ket­ing, AI,cin­e­mat­ic VR media jobs, and maybe sports and toys. Why is this such a cov­et­ed group? Because for­mer alum­ni of the Dis­ney Accel­er­a­tor have gone on to devel­op part­ner­ships with the media and enter­tain­ment giant, and let’s face it — work­ing with Dis­ney isn’t small potatoes.

So what are the lucky com­pa­nies that have been picked to par­tic­i­pate in the third ses­sion of the accel­er­a­tor pro­gram? We’re so glad you asked. Let’s take a look at the next ten pos­si­ble recip­i­ents of your resume, alpha­bet­i­cal­ly of course.

Ader is a mar­ket­place that con­nects brands with eSports and gam­ing influ­encers, and their net­work of influ­encers is already reach­ing over 50 mil­lion view­ers each month. Not bad for only $125,000 in seed funding.

Atom Tick­ets has devel­oped an app that’s all about going out to the movies. You can buy your tick­ets through it, of course, but you can also pre-order your con­ces­sion stand food and drinks and skip the frus­trat­ing­ly long line, which is worth any­thing they might charge in my book. You can also browse trail­ers, find out about new movies, read reviews, and invite your friends (with­out hav­ing to buy their tick­ets), and even plan your next trip to the sil­ver screen.

Han­son Robot­ics is build­ing robots that have human-like facial expres­sions. You may have seen the video of their robot Sophia, since it’s been viewed more than a bil­lion times.

Jaunt VR makes every­thing one needs to cre­ate cin­e­mat­ic vir­tu­al real­i­ty con­tent, includ­ing hard­ware, soft­ware, tools, and applications.

lit­tleBits will make your chil­dren the next tech tycoons. The com­pa­ny has cre­at­ed a plat­form of sim­ple elec­tron­ic build­ing blocks that let the kid­dies invent, in the words of TechCrunch, “any­thing”, such as a remote-con­trolled car or a danc­ing robot.

Nom is geared towards the food­ies (of course). The online live stream­ing video com­mu­ni­ty gives chefs and food lovers — and who does­n’t love food? — some­thing like the Food Chan­nel right in your house. You not only watch videos, you can par­tic­i­pate in them.

OTOY wants to cre­ate the Holodeck from Star Trek. At least we’re assum­ing they do, since they have a holo­graph­ic con­tent plat­form that brings “light field ren­der­ing and net­work stream­ing to vir­tu­al real­i­ty and aug­ment­ed real­i­ty expe­ri­ences”. Sounds like a Holodeck in the mak­ing to us.

Play­buzz helps peo­ple, and by peo­ple we mean peo­ple like pub­lish­ers, blog­gers, and brands, cre­ate engag­ing con­tent that’s real­ly meant to be shared through social media chan­nels. Because every­thing cre­at­ed today is meant to be shared through social media channels.

And final­ly we have Pley, which is kind of like Game­fly for toys. You sub­scribe, you choose a toy from a cat­a­log, it ships to your door, and you play with it. Then you can either keep it or send it back. If they have the old Lego Death Star, I’m in.

There you have it, the future of busi­ness. Or at least part of business.