AdverÂtisÂers spend a lot of monÂey to develÂop their ads, and want a guarÂanÂtee that those ads will actuÂalÂly get shown.’s DisÂplay AdverÂtisÂing team builds and manÂages sysÂtems with extreme high perÂforÂmance and availÂabilÂiÂty. To top that off, they’re seekÂing a SoftÂware DevelÂopÂment EngiÂneer. YES! You read this right. They serve and respond to hunÂdreds of bilÂlions of requests annuÂalÂly, and have ambiÂtions to grow that numÂber sevÂerÂal orders of magÂniÂtude, while mainÂtainÂing response latenÂcies in the milÂlisecÂonds and meetÂing strict SLA requireÂments. They delight in data, and are conÂstantÂly tryÂing to enrich their modÂels and make more informed deciÂsions using every bit and byte they have. Their curÂrent sysÂtems serve the curÂrent needs, but they are growÂing a new busiÂness withÂin, and are lookÂing for the sort of hands on leadÂers and develÂopÂers who can design and build the sysÂtems that will take them into the future.
The ideÂal develÂopÂer for this space will be highÂly quanÂtiÂtaÂtive, have great judgÂment and pasÂsion for buildÂing a great cusÂtomer expeÂriÂence, be invenÂtive, and have a strong track record of delivÂery. If you’re lookÂing for a career where you’ll be able to build, to delivÂer, and to impress. You look at probÂlems holisÂtiÂcalÂly, and thrive on the intriÂcate comÂplexÂiÂty of designÂing feedÂback loops and ecosysÂtems. You want to work on projects where you are impleÂmentÂing soluÂtions to real probÂlems that require creÂative soluÂtions and deep underÂstandÂing of the probÂlem space. To chalÂlenge yourÂself and othÂers to conÂstantÂly come up with betÂter solutions.
Who is the ideÂal SoftÂware DevelÂopÂment EngiÂneer for Amazon?
This highÂly visÂiÂble role requires freÂquent comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with senior leadÂerÂship in order to help shape and delivÂer on the prodÂuct roadmap, and requires you to nimÂbly switch between strateÂgic and tacÂtiÂcal iniÂtiaÂtives to achieve techÂniÂcal, busiÂness, and cusÂtomer expeÂriÂence goals. As the mobile ad servÂer, it is imporÂtant that we can meet the demands of the mobile Class 1 proÂgram and guarÂanÂtee that we can optiÂmalÂly delivÂer adverÂtisÂer camÂpaigns to meet the goals of the media plans.
This requires tight inteÂgraÂtion with invenÂtoÂry foreÂcastÂing sysÂtems and also the develÂopÂment of high perÂforÂmance disÂtribÂuted aggreÂgaÂtion serÂvices to ensure that the ad servers are always workÂing with a curÂrent knowlÂedge of the state of all camÂpaigns. This proÂgram is also extendÂed to enable deskÂtop Class 1 proÂgrams to be served on owned and operÂatÂed propÂerÂties with globÂal parÂiÂty and proÂvide suitÂable diagÂnosÂtics and conÂtrol panÂels to enable camÂpaign manÂagers and ad operÂaÂtions to rapidÂly diagÂnose and resolve delivÂery issues.
You’ll need to design a sysÂtem that will be able to manÂage the comÂplexÂiÂty of thouÂsands of semi-indeÂpenÂdent overÂlapÂping feaÂture dimenÂsions to preÂdict future invenÂtoÂry volÂume on any comÂbiÂnaÂtion of those dimenÂsions, and optiÂmize the alloÂcaÂtion of that preÂdictÂed invenÂtoÂry, all while proÂvidÂing the abilÂiÂty to respondÂing to inquiries and honÂor reserÂvaÂtion requests.
RecÂogÂnizÂing the needs of the AmaÂzon DisÂplay AdverÂtisÂing (ADA) and Mobile camÂpaigns, we are going to develÂop and release a 3rd parÂty ad servÂer (3PAS) to enable our cusÂtomers to develÂop media buys across 3rd parÂty web sites, fulÂly leverÂage the AmaÂzon data for tarÂgetÂing and trackÂing perÂforÂmance of those media buys. This will proÂvide betÂter conÂtrol and secuÂriÂty over AmaÂzon anonymized data and will potenÂtialÂly extend to othÂer adverÂtisÂing proÂgrams to enable soluÂtions for our advertisers.
Bachelor’s Degree in ComÂputÂer SciÂence or relatÂed field, or 4+ year relÂeÂvant proÂfesÂsionÂal expeÂriÂence in softÂware develÂopÂment. Strong ComÂputÂer SciÂence funÂdaÂmenÂtals in object-oriÂentÂed design, data strucÂtures, algoÂrithm design, probÂlem solvÂing, and comÂplexÂiÂty analyÂsis. Advanced softÂware engiÂneerÂing skills, includÂing the abilÂiÂty to write expert-levÂel, mainÂtainÂable, and robust code in a popÂuÂlar object oriÂentÂed lanÂguage like C#, C++, or Java. ExpeÂriÂence in comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing with users, othÂer techÂniÂcal teams, and manÂageÂment to colÂlect requireÂments, describe softÂware prodÂuct feaÂtures, and techÂniÂcal designs.
ExpeÂriÂence buildÂing disÂtribÂuted softÂware sysÂtems that have been sucÂcessÂfulÂly delivÂered to cusÂtomers. ExpeÂriÂence workÂing with one or more major servÂer techÂnoloÂgies (SpringÂMVC, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, etc.). ExpeÂriÂence with dataÂbase-oriÂentÂed disÂtribÂuted sysÂtems. ExpoÂsure to Agile and Scrum develÂopÂment methodÂoloÂgies. KnowlÂedge of proÂfesÂsionÂal softÂware engiÂneerÂing pracÂtices & best pracÂtices for the full softÂware develÂopÂment life cycle, includÂing codÂing stanÂdards, code reviews, source conÂtrol manÂageÂment, build processÂes, testÂing, and operÂaÂtions. AbilÂiÂty to take a project from scopÂing requireÂments through actuÂal launch of the project. ExpeÂriÂence with venÂdor manÂageÂment sysÂtems is a BIG plus!
What does AmaÂzon have to say about what they are offering?
We’re going to change the way that the adverÂtisÂing world meaÂsures, plans, and buys. Along the way, we’re going to face seemÂingÂly imposÂsiÂble probÂlems. We’re going to argue about how to solve them, and we’ll work togethÂer to find a soluÂtion that is supeÂriÂor to each of the proÂposÂals we came in with. We’ll make tough deciÂsions, but we’ll all underÂstand why. We’ll be the dream team.