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Lightning Speed Ruby on Rails Developer for Handybook in New York

Ruby on Rails Devel­op­er need­ed by Handy­book in New York to help clean up people’s liv­ing rooms, bed­rooms and, yes, the bath­rooms too!

Handy­book is chang­ing the way peo­ple buy ser­vices by offer­ing an online plat­form where users can instant­ly book a clean­er or handyman.

Handy­book, the Uber for house­clean­ing, is dis­rupt­ing the mar­ket by mak­ing clean up eas­i­er and eas­i­er.  Hey if Uber is worth $17 Bil­lion what could Handybook’s val­u­a­tion be in a few years?

How many mil­lions of clean­ings are com­plet­ed each week in the US alone?

As a Ruby on Rails Devel­op­er you’ll be chal­lenged in a fast paced, fun envi­ron­ment.    Please be fast…be able to write main­tain­able code at light­ning speed, do par­tic­i­pate in code reviews and cre­ate and prac­tice cod­ing stan­dards. Lead and par­tic­i­pate in appli­ca­tion testing.

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What you do could change the face of clean­ing forever.

You should have lots of expe­ri­ence build­ing web appli­ca­tions and the abil­i­ty to learn and apply new tech­nolo­gies.   You should have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of a mod­ern pro­gram lan­guage, a great eye for detail and the abil­i­ty to work among mul­ti­ple teams and be a great com­mu­ni­ca­tor to both tech and non tech types alike.  Most of all be open to learn­ing more

So how Does Handy­book Describe Themselves?

Handy­book was start­ed by Oisin Han­ra­han & Umang Dua while at Har­vard Busi­ness School. Handy­book’s investors include High­land Cap­i­tal and Gen­er­al Cat­a­lyst, who have invest­ed in busi­ness­es like Airbnb and Kayak.

Every day we con­nect our cus­tomers with great home ser­vice pro­fes­sion­als. By doing this we make our cus­tomers’ lives a lit­tle bit eas­i­er, and we help our ser­vice providers increase their earnings.

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Since all work and no play makes a dull office, we’re thor­ough­ly com­mit­ted to infus­ing our days with food, sur­pris­es, brain-stim­u­lat­ing activ­i­ties and, when appro­pri­ate, booze. As a team mem­ber at Handy­book you can look for­ward to dai­ly team lunch­es, com­pa­ny out­ings, office tra­di­tions, and all sorts of oth­er goodness.

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