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Internet advertising spearheads global advertising market recovery

Hard­work­ing busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers can take a well-deserved bow today, as news emerges that their efforts have helped posi­tion inter­net adver­tis­ing at the fore­front of a steady glob­al recov­ery in advertising.

So says the lat­est Adver­tis­ing Expen­di­ture Fore­cast from ZenithOp­ti­me­dia. The glob­al mar­ket is set to expand by 3.5 per­cent this year, 5.1 per­cent next year and 5.8 per­cent in 2015.

Inter­net adver­tis­ing leads the way

The main dri­ver of the growth in adspend is inter­net adver­tis­ing, the report reveals, and it’s expect­ed to play a lead role in the expan­sion expect­ed between 2014 and the fol­low­ing year. Job­bing busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers are, it seems, doing more than their bit to push things along. Inter­net adver­tis­ing is pro­ject­ed to grow by 15 per­cent each year between 2012 and 2015 and will account for 66 per­cent of glob­al ad spend growth, the study predicts.

Dig­i­tal inno­va­tions such as the increase in local­iza­tion, grow­ing inte­gra­tion with mobile and more accu­rate mea­sure­ment of expo­sure to ads are pro­pelling the recov­ery, ZenithOp­ti­me­dia believes, along with the irre­press­ible rise of social media and online video, which will go on grow­ing by 30 per­cent a year.

The move to mobile 

The report fore­casts that mobile, too, will enjoy impres­sive growth. Already the quick­est grow­ing zone in inter­net adver­tis­ing, it’ll expand by 67 per­cent in 2013 and by around 51 per­cent a year to 2015. The vora­cious uptake of tablets and smart­phones are large­ly respon­si­ble for this rise.

It’s come as no sur­prise to most expe­ri­enced busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers that desk­top inter­net adver­tis­ing is grow­ing con­sid­er­ably less vig­or­ous­ly, on course for a mere 10 per­cent year on year rise. The report puts total glob­al ad spend­ing for 2012 at $8.52 bil­lion (£5.5 bil­lion), 9.8 per­cent of which was inter­net spend. The total, the report con­fi­dent­ly pre­dicts, will surge to $29.42 bil­lion (£19 bil­lion) by 2015, with inter­net ad spend account­ing for 21.9 percent.

ZenithOptimedia’s CEO (World­wide) said, “Inter­net adver­tis­ing is dri­ving adspend growth, and after sev­er­al years of mar­ket expec­ta­tion, mobile is at the fore­front of this. Mobile devices are now inte­gral parts of the lives of many con­sumers around the world, but still present huge untapped poten­tial for mar­keters to engage with con­sumers in a per­son­al, inter­ac­tive and high­ly effec­tive way.”