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Growth Hacker-Product Marketer Champion Wanted For Constant Contact’s Emerging Businesses Team

Cham­pi­ons are win­ners, which is exact­ly what Con­stant Con­tact is look­ing for in a Growth Hack­er to spear­head their emerg­ing busi­ness­es team. Con­stant Con­tac­t’s excit­ing prod­uct line and team for emerg­ing busi­ness­es is their newest endeav­or to offer inno­v­a­tive growth tools to small and medi­um sized businesses.

That is why they need a cham­pi­on as their Growth Hack­er and Prod­uct Mar­keter to ensure that this new team is suc­cess­ful­ly intro­duced to the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty.                     APPLY HERE


Pub­licly-Trad­ed Glob­al Com­pa­ny Still Has Small Busi­ness Attitude

Con­stant Con­tact may have the look of a large com­pa­ny with over 600,000 glob­al clients and its pub­licly-trad­ed stock, yet this inspir­ing com­pa­ny still believes in a sense of com­mu­ni­ty with­in its team. From hum­ble begin­nings in an attic back in 1995, this SaaS pio­neer has grown by leaps and bounds, espe­cial­ly since 2005. How­ev­er, the goal is still the same; to empow­er small and medi­um-sized busi­ness’ growth through inno­v­a­tive mar­ket­ing tools.

Part of Con­stant Con­tacts charm is that they nur­ture their employ­ees to stay “loose” and come togeth­er as a team. For this new emerg­ing busi­ness­es team, they are look­ing for a prod­uct mar­keter that will embrace their phi­los­o­phy while bring­ing their own ideas, feel­ing con­fi­dent in chal­leng­ing the nor­mal assump­tions. Some­one that loves a fast-paced envi­ron­ment with con­stant change could be just the cham­pi­on they are look­ing to find.   APPLY HERE

Tak­ing On A Challenge

Ide­al­ly, Con­stant Con­tact wants a cus­tomer acqui­si­tion expert that has at least five years of expe­ri­ence work­ing on build­ing user growth. Since this is a new team and a new posi­tion, there are plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to shine for a self-direct­ed per­son that is well-versed in adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing net­works, with a knack for hypoth­e­sis-based mar­ket­ing test­ing. For an ana­lyt­i­cal, yet deci­sive indi­vid­ual, this could be a career-chang­ing opportunity.

Being part of a com­pa­ny like Con­stant Con­tact that val­ues its team, cus­tomers and com­mu­ni­ty can be reward­ing on its own. To also have the chance to cham­pi­on a new team and prod­uct that can help small busi­ness­es and non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions meet their growth poten­tial is even more excit­ing. Quick learn­ers that are inspired by new mar­ket­ing and busi­ness con­cepts should take a clos­er look at this unique opportunity.