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Luxe Valet to revolutionize and eradicate that feeling you get when you can’t find a parking spot.

Hey guess what, a com­pa­ny that goes by the name of Luxe Valet just pub­licly launched its ser­vice today. Luxe is a new ser­vice that sends valets to park for you, wher­ev­er you are — it’s fast, afford­able and con­ve­nient. So here is their strategy:

Drop Off Any­where — Tell them where you’re going and one of their expe­ri­enced valets will be there to park your car.

Door-to-door and more — Their trained valets will not only park your car in one of their secure lots, they’ll also wash and fuel it. Just ask.

They’ll Return Any­where — When you’re ready to leave, tell them where you want your car returned and they’ll deliv­er it any­where in San Fran­cis­co! All that’s rec­om­mend­ed is that you request 15 min­utes in advance.

An Aver­age Hourly Rate Of $5 For A Mod­ern Con­ve­nience. With a max of $15 per day, you get valet park­ing ser­vice at street park­ing prices.

$1M Luxe Insur­ance Pro­tec­tion Plan and they puts its valets through rig­or­ous screen­ing and training.

With a vet­er­an team of prod­uct, engi­neer­ing, and oper­a­tions lead­ers from Tes­la, Google, Zyn­ga, Yahoo! and Groupon, a fleet of pre­screened, friend­ly valets, dozens of insured, secure park­ing lots, and a sophis­ti­cat­ed tech­nol­o­gy plat­form that mon­i­tors every step of the process from drop-off to pick-up, Luxe is lead­ing the charge on a new indus­try of on demand ser­vices that address a ubiq­ui­tous urban chal­lenge: find­ing a park­ing spot.

Well that’s some busi­ness mod­el, aye guys and gals! The sad part is cur­rent­ly serv­ing San Fran­cis­co, but stay tuned more cities to come. Luxe has also just announced that it has raised $5.5 mil­lion in seed fund­ing, which it will hope­ful­ly use to pre­pare for the next few lack-of-park­ing crises. Luxe raised its fund­ing from Google Ven­tures, Sher­pa Ven­tures, Red­point Ven­tures, Light­speed Ven­ture Part­ners, Upfront Ven­tures, Foun­da­tion Cap­i­tal, Box­Group, Slow Ven­tures, Data Col­lec­tive, Eni­ac Ven­tures, Rothen­berg Ven­tures, and others.

No mess­ing around here, these guys are hir­ing dri­vers now!!

Like oth­er valet apps, Luxe uses a drop pin on a map to show your des­ti­na­tion before head­ing over, and a valet meets you as soon as you arrive to take your car to a part­ner garage. The app also allows you to keep track of your car while it’s in Luxe’s pos­ses­sion and mon­i­tor its return to you, which hap­pens with­in 10 min­utes of a request to get it back.

Luxe also has part­ner­ships with garages around town where it leas­es park­ing spots on a vari­able basis, just like the oth­er com­peti­tors. Two oth­er com­pa­nies in San Fran­cis­co Zirx (Luxe and Zirx are neck-and-neck at $15 per day) and Vatler are doing the same. Why you ask? One San Fran­cis­can writes “large num­bers of peo­ple still own, dri­ve, and need to park cars. Take for instance San Fran­cis­co, which is extreme­ly crowd­ed (very lit­tle street park­ing) and a night­mare to nav­i­gate when you’re try­ing to get to a park­ing garage. Using an app like Luxe to get some­one to pick your car up wher­ev­er, park it, and return it, is cer­tain­ly a wel­come idea, espe­cial­ly if it’s done at a rea­son­able price”. Vale­tAny­where does some­thing sim­i­lar in New York City.

Lee cofound­ed the San Fran­ic­sco-based com­pa­ny with Craig Mar­tin in 2013. Lee dreamed up the ini­tial idea of an on-demand valet app two years ago after almost miss­ing an impor­tant din­ner reser­va­tion at a restau­rant in San Francisco.

“I was there with my girl­friend who’s now my wife, and we had eight o’clock reser­va­tions. After try­ing to park … we got in there and bare­ly made it — they extend­ed the reser­va­tion time for us and I felt so bad,” Lee told VentureBeat.

Lee is quite con­fi­dent that his team, which is made up of sev­er­al for­mer Zyn­ga exec­u­tives and includes the man who built Tesla’s cus­tomer oper­a­tions from scratch, is well-posi­tioned to dom­i­nate the competition.

Seed investor (and huge fan of the park­ing dra­ma) Semil Shah says, mar­ket­ing and prod­uct design could lead to vic­to­ry, Luxe has the mak­ings of a win­ner, despite only launch­ing its beta test in May. “I believe many peo­ple who don’t live in cities but who dri­ve into them (not in an Uber or Lyft) will ben­e­fit this valet mod­el, so the trick for these com­pa­nies is to mod­el out where peo­ple live out­side cities and then micro-tar­get them as peo­ple who com­mute into cities. At the end of the day, it’s a par­tic­u­lar sub­ur­ban-to-urban tran­sit prob­lem, and for com­pa­nies like Luxe, an oppor­tu­ni­ty,” he said in an email to VentureBeat.

Added ser­vices such as car wash­ing and get­ting the tank filled up are also ways to tai­lor the ser­vice to this par­tic­u­lar demo­graph­ic, Shah said (long com­mutes mean more fre­quent gas filling).

Down­load it now and let them do the parking.

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