So do you wanÂna be the ConÂtent CreÂator for some folks that have absoluteÂly no inforÂmaÂtion about themÂselves anyÂwhere on the interÂnet, except the fact that they are tryÂing to make feel good conÂtent. Oh yes and let’s not forÂget that they have manÂaged to get over 6 milÂlion FaceÂbook likes. Here’s Liftbump.
They’re lookÂing for creÂative, pasÂsionÂate, and enterÂtainÂing writÂers and conÂtent creÂators who want to make upliftÂing and enterÂtainÂing things that peoÂple want to share. This job can be based out of your livÂing room or your favorite cofÂfee shop. LiftÂbump is a viral media outÂlet that serves an audiÂence of more than 5 milÂlion unique visÂiÂtors a month and 6 milÂlion FaceÂbook fans. They are dedÂiÂcatÂed to givÂing their audiÂence upliftÂing and fun conÂtent. They want to be the hapÂpiÂest place on the Internet.
So who is the ideÂal ConÂtent CreÂator for Liftbump?
Can you source conÂtent and use it to write, edit and proÂduce inspirÂing, upliftÂing, and enterÂtainÂing posts about good news, good deeds, great peoÂple, and aniÂmals being hilarÂiÂous. GenÂerÂate ideas for artiÂcles, feaÂtures, new preÂsenÂtaÂtion styles and to creÂate conÂtent that peoÂple want to share and go viral. Must be able to work weekÂends. And someÂtimes in-between. Work quickÂly in a colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive fashÂion with ediÂtors and/or othÂer team members.
Do you have a comÂpreÂhenÂsive underÂstandÂing of the InterÂnet and all major social media platforms?
Have a knack for underÂstandÂing what makes peoÂple share conÂtent and the abilÂiÂty to underÂstand othÂers’ perÂspecÂtives in order to present inforÂmaÂtion objecÂtiveÂly and fairÂly. Let’s not forÂget humor, wit, and the comÂpetÂiÂtive driÂve to stand out.
A driÂve to give the interÂnet someÂthing it hasn’t seen before. A love for fun, workÂing hard, and peoÂple in genÂerÂal. AbsoluteÂly no haters.
This job is locatÂed in AlexanÂdria, VA.