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Content Creator, what the heck does that mean? Liftbump may be looking for you!

So do you wan­na be the Con­tent Cre­ator for some folks that have absolute­ly no infor­ma­tion about them­selves any­where on the inter­net, except the fact that they are try­ing to make feel good con­tent. Oh yes and let’s not for­get that they have man­aged to get over 6 mil­lion Face­book likes. Here’s Liftbump.

They’re look­ing for cre­ative, pas­sion­ate, and enter­tain­ing writ­ers and con­tent cre­ators who want to make uplift­ing and enter­tain­ing things that peo­ple want to share. This job can be based out of your liv­ing room or your favorite cof­fee shop. Lift­bump is a viral media out­let that serves an audi­ence of more than 5 mil­lion unique vis­i­tors a month and 6 mil­lion Face­book fans. They are ded­i­cat­ed to giv­ing their audi­ence uplift­ing and fun con­tent. They want to be the hap­pi­est place on the Internet.

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So who is the ide­al Con­tent Cre­ator for Liftbump?

Can you source con­tent and use it to write, edit and pro­duce inspir­ing, uplift­ing, and enter­tain­ing posts about good news, good deeds, great peo­ple, and ani­mals being hilar­i­ous. Gen­er­ate ideas for arti­cles, fea­tures, new pre­sen­ta­tion styles and to cre­ate con­tent that peo­ple want to share and go viral. Must be able to work week­ends. And some­times in-between. Work quick­ly in a col­lab­o­ra­tive fash­ion with edi­tors and/or oth­er team members.

Do you have a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of the Inter­net and all major social media platforms?

Have a knack for under­stand­ing what makes peo­ple share con­tent and the abil­i­ty to under­stand oth­ers’ per­spec­tives in order to present infor­ma­tion objec­tive­ly and fair­ly. Let’s not for­get humor, wit, and the com­pet­i­tive dri­ve to stand out.

A dri­ve to give the inter­net some­thing it hasn’t seen before. A love for fun, work­ing hard, and peo­ple in gen­er­al. Absolute­ly no haters.

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This job is locat­ed in Alexan­dria, VA.