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Companies & People

Twitch Makes Videogames the New Sports

Can a Video game get high­er rat­ings than the Super Bowl? This may soon become a real­i­ty. Coun­tries like Korea and Japan have already been fea­tur­ing video game tour­na­ments as enter­tain­ment, with peo­ple reg­u­lar­ly flock­ing to phys­i­cal venues, tele­vi­sions and their com­put­ers to watch the world’s

Zuckerberg sets mobile optimization as Facebook’s top priority

Facebook’s Mark Zucker­berg has come out fight­ing after a three-month silence in which the social net­work­ing giant’s share val­ue has tum­bled alarm­ing­ly. Speak­ing at the Techcrunch Dis­rupt con­fer­ence on Wednes­day, Zucker­berg can­did­ly addressed the fraught issue of his company’s fal­ter­ing efforts to grasp the mobile

Discovery Channel Slowing Down?

Though Dis­cov­ery Com­mu­ni­ca­tions’ Q2 report showed earn­ings up 15.4 per­cent from last year, the com­pa­ny plans to slow its pro­duc­tion dur­ing Q3. Accord­ing to, Dis­cov­ery Com­mu­ni­ca­tions CEO David Zaslav indi­cat­ed that the cul­tur­al appeal of the Olympics has affect­ed the num­ber of pre­mieres the

Doubling UP: $200 Million More for New Video Creators at YouTube

In 2011, Google invest­ed $150 mil­lion into the cre­ation of over 100 YouTube chan­nels, most of which fea­tured exclu­sive con­tent from the likes of The Onion, Slate and The Wall Street Jour­nal. Sev­er­al celebri­ties also joined the effort, includ­ing such media sen­sa­tions as Madon­na, Ashton

Cheil Worldwide Spends $50M to Go Global

Cheil World­wide solid­i­fied its glob­al pres­ence in the adver­tis­ing world with the $50 mil­lion pur­chase of North Car­oli­­na-based McK­in­ney. Accord­ing to Tanz­i­na Vega of the New York Times, McK­in­ney will keep its name, but with the pur­chase, the suc­cess­ful adver­tis­ing com­pa­ny becomes part of Cheil

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How Amazon will Blow Away Google

When are web users bypass­ing Google for Ama­zon?  When they are search­ing for prod­ucts.  Why search in Google for prod­ucts that are on Ama­zon?  It gets even more sig­nif­i­cant when mobile comes into play.  Using Ama­zon’s mobile app shop­pers can buy at Ama­zon right from

Apple announced as the biggest ever American company

Apple over­takes Microsoft’s record In a report print­ed in the Wall Street Jour­nal, it was revealed this week that Apple Inc. sur­passed Microsoft Corp as the largest ever Amer­i­can com­pa­ny when stock mar­ket val­ue is used as the mea­sure­ment. Pass­ing the $623.52 bil­lion mark, Apple

Little Caesars Pizza Says ‘Go Away,’ Seriously!

Lit­tle Cae­sars Piz­za is test­ing the safe bound­aries of adver­tis­ing neg­a­tive psy­chol­o­gy with its ad cam­paign, plead­ing and warn­ing con­sumers not to call the restau­rant at a par­tic­u­lar phone num­ber or pro­vide a per­son­al email address. Play­ing on the well-known human pat­tern that curios­i­ty will