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Media Jobs

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5 Actions you must take to get the Media Sales Job you want

Media sales jobs are an extreme­ly lucra­tive avenue to ven­ture along in terms of employ­ment rewards and job sat­is­fac­tion guar­an­tee. The num­ber of media sales jobs that are avail­able are also on the increase, due to the grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of the media indus­try.  With the

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Media Job — The Right Career entering the 2009 Job Market

A lot of con­cern has sur­round­ed the media job over the last few months. With the cur­rent reces­sion, and many news­pa­pers and mag­a­zine com­pa­nies clos­ing down, is there any hope left for the media job? There are still pro­fes­sion­als out there who believe there is,