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GoDaddy appoints Barton F. Graf 9000 as lead agency

Inter­net ser­vices com­pa­ny GoDad­dy has dropped Deutsch New York and appoint­ed New York start­up Bar­ton F. Graf as its agency of record. A busi­ness devel­op­ment manager’s dream account  This is the kind of account most job­bing busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers dream of. And the choice seems

New York’s CrowdTwist enhances advertising with tailored loyalty programs

New York loy­al­ty and rewards plat­form CrowdTwist is tak­ing loy­al­­ty-cre­a­tion to new heights after a $9 mil­lion Series B invest­ment round. Omni-chan­nel loy­al­ty While Adland’s account man­agers focus their efforts on opti­miz­ing rela­tions with key agency clients, no one with media jobs in online adver­tis­ing agencies

Online advertising revenues hit historic Q1 high in 2014

Online adver­tis­ing agen­cies enjoyed a bumper start to 2014 with rev­enues hit­ting a record first quar­ter high of $11.6 bil­lion. The rock­et­ing rise of dig­i­tal  The ster­ling efforts of all those hard­work­ing copy­writ­ers, art direc­tors and account man­agers appear to have paid off hand­some­ly this

Chartbeat sets out to improve native advertising with new metrics suite

Chartbeat sets out to improve native advertising with new metrics suite

New York ad tech start­up Chart­beat is unveil­ing a new prod­uct to add to its real-time ana­lyt­ics arse­nal, a devel­op­ment which should per­suade even the most skep­ti­cal prod­uct man­ag­er that it’s seri­ous about its aim to improve the met­rics for gaug­ing how well native adver­tis­ing is doing.