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Breaking News for Mobile Advertising Agencies Circa 1605

Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies may be inter­est­ed in a brand new “break­ing news” iPhone app. Circa1605, crafti­ly named after the year the world saw its first news­pa­per, has devel­oped an app specif­i­cal­ly designed for smart­phone users who like to keep abreast of the news with­out all

Ooyala co-founder explains why streaming video will draw online advertising spend

Online adver­tis­ing sales gen­er­at­ed by stream­ing video con­tent will grow sub­stan­tial­ly in impor­tance and invest­ment over the next few years. That’s the ver­dict of Bis­mar­ck Lepe, co-founder of online video con­tent pro­duc­er and video ana­lyt­ics start­up, Ooy­ala.  A word of warn­ing before pro­ceed­ing; new research from

72andSunny hitches new Google Chrome campaign

For an ad shop that hasn’t yet reached its tenth birth­day, 72andSunny is head­ing straight through the stratos­phere with its lat­est client, Google Chrome.  The inter­net leviathan is report­ed to have cho­sen the agency for a new cam­paign on its brows­er, even though much of

Kansas City startup Bixy aims to make bad ads extinct

Art direc­tors, copy­writ­ers and account man­agers alike are unit­ed in one over­ar­ch­ing quest: to cre­ate great ads for their online adver­tis­ing agen­cies. But one up-and-com­ing ad shop from Kansas City believes that many are get­ting it seri­ous­ly wrong, cre­at­ing bad online ads that put people