ExpeÂriÂenced tech prodÂuct manÂagers probÂaÂbly wouldn’t raise an eyeÂbrow upon hearÂing that anothÂer video sharÂing app has arrived. But one look at New York-based Cameo’s offerÂing might just have both of those eyeÂbrows liftÂing in surprise.
Video EditÂing – the Full Monty
Unlike its rivals, which offer very basic editÂing tools on mobile devices, the Cameo app proÂvides a comÂplete video editÂing suite and sharÂing serÂvice. And its locaÂtion-based funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty lets sevÂerÂal users co-shoot a video at an event or place of their choosÂing at the same time. SudÂdenÂly, those bored prodÂuct manÂagers are lookÂing a lot more interested.
Cameo co-founder Matthew RosenÂberg wants to give total conÂtrol to mobile users who want to make creÂative videos. Once the app is downÂloaded, users get the option to shoot videos in six-secÂond clips, and then the fun begins. Clips can be editÂed and effects added from a superb library (the full equivÂaÂlent, RothenÂberg says, of the deskÂtop editÂing suite After Effect), folÂlowÂing which they can be strung togethÂer in whichevÂer order takes the user’s fanÂcy. Not only that, but users can choose a theme, adding credÂits, text and much else besides.
Cameo then creÂates the video in real-time on smartÂphones in 720p mp4 forÂmat. And it can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo and InstaÂgram as well as shared on social media sites.
ConÂsumer to creator?
If our imagÂiÂnary prodÂuct manÂagÂer is no longer bored, he or she might now be getÂting a litÂtle skepÂtiÂcal. What does it take to coax social media conÂsumers into becomÂing creÂators as well, and does this clever litÂtle app have what it takes?
SocialÂCam and VidÂdy made a brave fist of achievÂing that goal, but nevÂer realÂly sucked in a lot of mainÂstream trafÂfic. Mobile video proÂducÂtion has proved a rockÂiÂer road than still phoÂtogÂraÂphy, even though Vine and InstaÂgram Video are makÂing some headÂway. But both sufÂfer the shortÂcomÂing menÂtioned earÂliÂer: their editÂing funcÂtions are frankly, primÂiÂtive. That’s where Cameo realÂly beats them hands down, at least technically.
But shootÂing a video takes more planÂning, creÂative flare and time than shootÂing a sinÂgle snap. Will users get addictÂed to the editÂing, effects and sharÂing capaÂbilÂiÂties of Cameo? Time will tell (it only launched in OctoÂber). For now, it defÂiÂniteÂly has the feel of an addicÂtive phenomenon.