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Californian startup Easilydo launches iPhone app to help users be awesome

Cal­i­forn­ian tech start­up Eas­i­ly­do has just secured a $4.3 mil­lion fund­ing round cour­tesy of May­field Fund and Ven­ture Part­ners and has plunged ahead with launch­ing its “life sim­pli­fy­ing” to-do list app in the U.S. The app became avail­able for down­load by U.S con­sumers on Decem­ber 13th.

Prod­uct man­agers, chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cers and chief rev­enue offi­cers may well be won­der­ing what’s so spe­cial about a to-do list app. Accord­ing to the Moun­tain View-based startup’s CEO, this par­tic­u­lar mobile app will help its users “be awe­some” – but how?

What’s so spe­cial about a to-do list?

Eas­i­ly­do inte­grates quick­ly and seam­less­ly with a range of oth­er iPhone apps; upon open­ing, it asks to con­nect to the iPhone Address Book and the user’s Face­book account.  That’s when the clever stuff starts to hap­pen.  Upon being giv­en per­mis­sion, it starts drag­ging in data and then sets about com­pil­ing a list of tasks – from send­ing a friend a “Hap­py Birth­day” mes­sage with a Face­book Gift to con­grat­u­lat­ing your sis­ter on good news or send­ing con­do­lences after a set­back. It also merges dupli­cate con­tacts in the address book.

One by one, none of these tasks seems espe­cial­ly impres­sive but the genius stroke lies in how they can be accom­plished – every sin­gle one of the tasks list­ed can be actioned in one screen because they’re all aggre­gat­ed in one place, so there’s no tedious flit­ting from app to app involved to get them done. If you’re slurp­ing your lat­te dur­ing a cof­fee break, you can use those few min­utes to work your way down the list — and then sit back and enjoy that deli­cious smug feel­ing that comes when you’ve accom­plished a cat­a­log of tasks. And just to tweak that won­der­ful lit­tle burst of self-con­grat­u­la­to­ry indul­gence a lit­tle more, Eas­i­ly­do also lets you know how many min­utes you’ve saved by using it.

Going pro­fes­sion­al

The prod­uct was orig­i­nal­ly released for test­ing in Cana­da but has just come state­side.  And accord­ing to Bern­er, more tasks for the app are in the pipeline: that $4.3 mil­lion will help expand the app’s func­tion­al­i­ty and recruit exter­nal devel­op­ers to expand its ver­sa­til­i­ty. In par­tic­u­lar, Bern­er is set­ting his sights on build­ing pro­fes­sion­al usage for the app by get­ting it inside the enter­prise firewall.