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All posts by Roy Weissman

Are display ads passé? Federated Media thinks so

Ad indus­try leviathan Fed­er­at­ed Media has just announced that it’s putting its direct dis­play ad busi­ness out to pas­ture. In news guar­an­teed to grab the atten­tion of every adver­tis­ing sales man­ag­er and busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er work­ing in Adland, FM’s move her­alds a major change in

Walmart Mobile App Check out by Phone

To com­bat long waits at Wal­mart check out lines, the com­pa­ny is test­ing a new smart­phone mobile app check­out sys­tem at some of its stores.  Cus­tomers would scan their items with their phone and then bring every­thing to a self check­out counter for pay­ment. Walmart

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How Amazon will Blow Away Google

When are web users bypass­ing Google for Ama­zon?  When they are search­ing for prod­ucts.  Why search in Google for prod­ucts that are on Ama­zon?  It gets even more sig­nif­i­cant when mobile comes into play.  Using Ama­zon’s mobile app shop­pers can buy at Ama­zon right from