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All posts by David Marini

MentAd knows who your customers are with intense Audience Modelling.

MentAd knows who your customers are with intense Audience Modelling.

Audi­ence mod­el­ling has become more gran­u­lar and Palo Alto (jobs in Palo Alto), Cal­i­­for­­nia-based Men­tAd announced recent­ly it has raised $4.7 mil­lion. Their approach to this Pre­dic­tive ana­lyt­ics fund­ing is “your next cus­tomer will be sim­i­lar to the last,” for find­ing would-be cus­tomers or bring­ing back former

Volta is making Money and Saving the World.

Volta is making Money and Saving the World.

If new tech­nol­o­gy excites you then you’re not alone Scott Mer­cer and Michael Menen­dez have thought about what thrills them and it turns out that EV and mar­ket­ing is what gets their blood pump­ing. These two had found­ed San Fran­­cis­­co-based Vol­ta Indus­tries back in 2010.