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All posts by James Todd

marketing jobs in new york city

What kind of Business Development Jobs are in Los Angeles?

The pri­ma­ry role of the Man­ag­er of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment is to prospect for new clients by net­work­ing, cold call­ing, adver­tis­ing or oth­er means of gen­er­at­ing inter­est from poten­tial clients. They must then plan per­sua­sive approach­es and pitch­es that will con­vince poten­tial clients to do business

Jobs at Twitter why work here

Why You Want a Job at Twitter

Twit­ter was vot­ed the 26th best place to work in 2016 on Glass­door, believe it or not right after Apple (#25). Found­ed in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, the cur­rent CEO,  Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams Twit­ter was designed for all the Atten­tion Deficit

why you want to work at hbo

Should You Work at HBO or Netflix?

Over 130 mil­lion peo­ple sub­scribe to HBO glob­al­ly.  Found­ed in 1972 with its first launch on a cable sys­tem serv­ing Wilkes Barre Penn­syl­va­nia with the 1971 film, some­times a Great Notion, star­ring Paul New­man and Hen­ry Fon­da, HBO was the world’s first “pay” tv service.