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How Many Ideas Do You Have? BuzzFeed needs a Deputy Editor pronto for the feed!

Buz­zFeed Ideas is seek­ing a full-time deputy edi­tor to join their grow­ing team in either New York City or Los Ange­les offices. If you’re curi­ous Buz­zFeed def­i­nite­ly isn’t just a load of lists. It also does news, long-form fea­tures and videos.  But since it launched in 2006, Buz­zFeed has changed the dig­i­tal land­scape con­sid­er­ably. From region­al to nation­al and inter­na­tion­al media, everyone’s try­ing to imi­tate it for one sim­ple rea­son – what Buz­zFeed does real­ly does work. Buz­zFeed now has offices all over the world, includ­ing Lon­don, Mum­bai, Syd­ney and Paris.
This posi­tion will report to the Exec­u­tive Edi­tor, Cul­ture and work with her on build­ing on the suc­cess of Buz­zFeed Ideas.

They are look­ing for an edi­tor with three or more years of expe­ri­ence to help work with a diverse array of free­lancers and staffers on per­son­al essays on top­ics includ­ing sex and rela­tion­ships, race, iden­ti­ty, mon­ey and debt, sex­u­al­i­ty, aging, men­tal health, and death and mourn­ing, as well as cul­tur­al crit­i­cism on a wide range of time­ly sub­jects. They’re look­ing for some­one who has edit­ed estab­lished writ­ers but is also inter­est­ed in cul­ti­vat­ing new voic­es, who is a strong line edi­tor but is also a mas­ter at restruc­tur­ing a piece with­out rewrit­ing it or los­ing the writer’s voice.

They want some­one who is gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in explor­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties of first-per­son sto­ry­telling and excit­ed about steer­ing the cul­tur­al con­ver­sa­tion on Buz­zFeed and social media, and who is obsessed with how these sto­ries share online.

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Who is the ide­al Deputy Edi­tor for BuzzFeed?

Don’t play your­self, if you don’t have pro­fes­sion­al edit­ing expe­ri­ence you won’t even be looked at. Can you edit Buz­zFeed staff writ­ers and free­lancers, over­see­ing projects from incep­tion through pub­li­ca­tion? Assist with man­ag­ing the work­flow of the many sto­ries we have in devel­op­ment at any moment. Gen­er­ate ideas and find writ­ers who may not be on our radar. Pro­mote sto­ries across social plat­forms and con­tribute to and help steer the ongo­ing con­ver­sa­tion about first-per­son jour­nal­ism and cul­tur­al crit­i­cism on the web in a mean­ing­ful way.

You should have at least three years expe­ri­ence edit­ing, either online or print. Can­di­dates who have edit­ed per­son­al essays, cul­tur­al crit­i­cism, or pieces with a strong point of view and voice are par­tic­u­lar­ly encour­age to apply.

Estab­lished social media pres­ence, par­tic­u­lar­ly on Twit­ter. Inter­est in writ­ing essays of one’s own. Com­fort with writ­ers of all styles and dis­po­si­tions and estab­lished rela­tion­ships with writ­ers that could be brought into the fold. Show them your blog, Twit­ter account, Tum­blr, and any oth­er social media aspects to your life that you think we should see.

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What does Buz­zFeed have to say about what it offers?

Buz­zFeed is the social news and enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny. Buz­zFeed is redefin­ing online adver­tis­ing with its social, con­tent-dri­ven pub­lish­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Buz­zFeed pro­vides the most share­able break­ing news, orig­i­nal report­ing, enter­tain­ment and video across the social web to its glob­al audi­ence of 150M.

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