BuzÂzFeed Ideas is seekÂing a full-time deputy ediÂtor to join their growÂing team in either New York City or Los AngeÂles offices. If you’re curiÂous BuzÂzFeed defÂiÂniteÂly isn’t just a load of lists. It also does news, long-form feaÂtures and videos. But since it launched in 2006, BuzÂzFeed has changed the digÂiÂtal landÂscape conÂsidÂerÂably. From regionÂal to nationÂal and interÂnaÂtionÂal media, everyone’s tryÂing to imiÂtate it for one simÂple reaÂson – what BuzÂzFeed does realÂly does work. BuzÂzFeed now has offices all over the world, includÂing LonÂdon, MumÂbai, SydÂney and Paris.
This posiÂtion will report to the ExecÂuÂtive EdiÂtor, CulÂture and work with her on buildÂing on the sucÂcess of BuzÂzFeed Ideas.
They are lookÂing for an ediÂtor with three or more years of expeÂriÂence to help work with a diverse array of freeÂlancers and staffers on perÂsonÂal essays on topÂics includÂing sex and relaÂtionÂships, race, idenÂtiÂty, monÂey and debt, sexÂuÂalÂiÂty, aging, menÂtal health, and death and mournÂing, as well as culÂturÂal critÂiÂcism on a wide range of timeÂly subÂjects. They’re lookÂing for someÂone who has editÂed estabÂlished writÂers but is also interÂestÂed in culÂtiÂvatÂing new voicÂes, who is a strong line ediÂtor but is also a masÂter at restrucÂturÂing a piece withÂout rewritÂing it or losÂing the writer’s voice.
They want someÂone who is genÂuineÂly interÂestÂed in explorÂing the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties of first-perÂson stoÂryÂtelling and excitÂed about steerÂing the culÂturÂal conÂverÂsaÂtion on BuzÂzFeed and social media, and who is obsessed with how these stoÂries share online.
Apply Here
Who is the ideÂal Deputy EdiÂtor for BuzzFeed?
Don’t play yourÂself, if you don’t have proÂfesÂsionÂal editÂing expeÂriÂence you won’t even be looked at. Can you edit BuzÂzFeed staff writÂers and freeÂlancers, overÂseeÂing projects from incepÂtion through pubÂliÂcaÂtion? Assist with manÂagÂing the workÂflow of the many stoÂries we have in develÂopÂment at any moment. GenÂerÂate ideas and find writÂers who may not be on our radar. ProÂmote stoÂries across social platÂforms and conÂtribute to and help steer the ongoÂing conÂverÂsaÂtion about first-perÂson jourÂnalÂism and culÂturÂal critÂiÂcism on the web in a meanÂingÂful way.
You should have at least three years expeÂriÂence editÂing, either online or print. CanÂdiÂdates who have editÂed perÂsonÂal essays, culÂturÂal critÂiÂcism, or pieces with a strong point of view and voice are parÂticÂuÂlarÂly encourÂage to apply.
EstabÂlished social media presÂence, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly on TwitÂter. InterÂest in writÂing essays of one’s own. ComÂfort with writÂers of all styles and disÂpoÂsiÂtions and estabÂlished relaÂtionÂships with writÂers that could be brought into the fold. Show them your blog, TwitÂter account, TumÂblr, and any othÂer social media aspects to your life that you think we should see.
What does BuzÂzFeed have to say about what it offers?
BuzÂzFeed is the social news and enterÂtainÂment comÂpaÂny. BuzÂzFeed is redefinÂing online adverÂtisÂing with its social, conÂtent-driÂven pubÂlishÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy. BuzÂzFeed proÂvides the most shareÂable breakÂing news, origÂiÂnal reportÂing, enterÂtainÂment and video across the social web to its globÂal audiÂence of 150M.