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Yext Why You Should Work There – Scaling Local Information Globally

Yext is the kind of tech that you don’t real­ize is there. It just blends in to an applic­a­ble sit­u­a­tion sit­u­a­tion seam­less­ly and unno­ticed and, most impor­tant­ly, works. This is exact­ly the kind of tech­nol­o­gy that busi­ness­es need in order to make sure that their local data is up to date and con­sis­tent no mat­ter where some­one might find them in the dig­i­tal world, and the com­pa­ny that makes this hap­pen is called Yext.

Yext Keeping Data Fresh

Yext is a New York based com­pa­ny start­ed in 2006, and today they make sure that busi­ness­es of all stripes don’t lose cus­tomers due to old or bad infor­ma­tion on the web. The prime exam­ple of their work can be seen when­ev­er you search for a com­pa­ny online, in the sum­ma­ry that appears to the right of the search results. Although this might seem bor­ing, any busi­ness own­er is more than glad that they do what they do.

Imag­ine you’re look­ing for a tow­ing com­pa­ny because your car is ren­dered use­less on the side of the road in an area that you’ve nev­er been before. So you pull out your phone and do a quick search, and you find Fred’s Tow­ing right away. You dial the num­ber list­ed in the search result, only to be met with an auto­mat­ed mes­sage telling you that the num­ber is no longer in ser­vice. Obvi­ous­ly you move on to the next list­ing in the results, grum­bling all the while about the wrong num­ber being list­ed or that they must have gone out of business.

But if you’re Fred, sit­ting at your desk wait­ing for a call, you’re even more unhap­py if you ever dis­cov­er that you’ve missed a cus­tomer because your infor­ma­tion was­n’t prop­er­ly updat­ed online. This is an exam­ple of what Yext does, and they do it real­ly well.

Yext is About to IPO

Increas­ing­ly, com­pa­ny web­sites are falling fur­ther down the list of where con­sumers actu­al­ly find them and inter­act with them. Instead they dis­cov­er you through Google Maps or on Face­book, or through review sites like Yelp. Yext audits the list­ed infor­ma­tion about com­pa­nies across all of these data­bas­es and makes sure that the list­ed infor­ma­tion is cor­rect and con­sis­tent, so you get the cor­rect phone num­ber and address no mat­ter where you hap­pen to find them. There are oth­er aspects to their ser­vices of course, but this is the core of their function.

So why would we at Media Jobs think you might want to work there? Well one rea­son is that they’re about to go pub­lic with an IPO, which usu­al­ly means that busi­ness is good and growth is like­ly. Anoth­er is that they’ve been list­ed in For­tune’s Best Places to Work every year since 2014, among numer­ous oth­er lists like Forbes’ Most Promis­ing Com­pa­nies in 2014 and 2015. In short, they’re a part of the back­bone of online busi­ness list­ings that is nec­es­sary, they are grow­ing and show­ing lots of future promise, and they’re appar­ent­ly pret­ty good to their employ­ees. Do you need more rea­sons than that?

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