Media sales jobs are an extremely lucrative avenue to venture along in terms of employment rewards and job satisfaction guarantee. The number of media sales jobs that are available are also on the increase, due to the growing popularity of the media industry.
With the popularity of media on the rise, so too are the amount of potential media sales job employment seekers. The competition is fierce on it’s own, but with the rising difficulty in getting or maintaining a stable media sales job position in this economy, one needs to be very well equipped with the right information to be able to land a media sales job. Even in this economic downturn, some recruiters still cannot find what they are looking for, as per an article written for Media Bistro.
Below are 5 actions that you should take that will increase your chances of getting the media sales job that you are looking for.
The first piece of advice that can be offered is to evaluate your approach to your search for a media sales job, do not appear desperate for a job. Don’t appear as though you are unemployed and willing to take anything you can get. This will evoke a sense of desperation in your future media sales job employers that is extremely off-putting. Rather appear to be working through a transitional phase in your life, even if you are unemployed.
Define your personal mission statement into an advertisement for you. You have to be your own PR manager in order to land a lucrative media sales job. Find out exactly who you are and what you have to offer a media sales job by delving into your work experience and your level of skill. Ensure that these items of promise become your selling points. Consult a personal relations official if necessary to make sure you are portraying the correct image that relates to media sales jobs as well as to the industry.
Get an updated list of references that can back up your work ethic and your ability to excel in the field of media sales jobs. Contactable references are a winning advantage that will elevate your chances of landing the media sales job of your choice, and put you in good stead with your future employer.
Simplify your resume so that it contains only the most pertinent and valid points of interest that relate to the field of media sales jobs. If your resume has been used to land jobs at a gym and still contains references to being an aerobics instructor, you might want to delete that and only include the items that will increase your chances of employment in the media sales job field.
Network. Spread the word about your future move towards finding a media sales job and make sure that it falls upon the ears that could influence your chances of landing a job. Make contacts and take notes. Even if you don’t land a media sales job through your networking, the chances are you will get the opportunity to use those contacts later on in the game.