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Robots haven’t killed us all yet and Yieldbot is hiring for a Director Of Marketing

Yield­bot is look­ing for a Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing. After a decade of start-up suc­cess and thought lead­er­ship in SEO, SEM and Land­ing Page Opti­miza­tion, Jonathan Mendez real­ized many of the same oper­at­ing prin­ci­ples of search index­ing and land­ing page opti­miza­tion could be applied to cre­ate a rev­o­lu­tion­ary oper­at­ing sys­tem for pre­mi­um dis­play and web-based mobile advertising.

Yield­bot has cre­at­ed rev­o­lu­tion­ary tech­nolo­gies to extract the real-time “intent” of web­site vis­i­tors, serv­ing as the foun­da­tion of our unique dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing plat­form – the first and only such plat­form to rival the per­for­mance of search, with­out the need for third-par­ty cookies.

Yieldbot’s abil­i­ty to cap­ture, orga­nize and acti­vate the real-time con­sumer intent of the click-stream has cre­at­ed a new cur­ren­cy. A cur­ren­cy bought and sold on a per­for­mance basis on Yieldbot’s  “Intent Stream™,” the real-time flow of con­sumer intent through 2 bil­lion month­ly pre­mi­um page views. They make use of bleed­ing edge big data, real-time stream­ing and ana­lyt­ics tech­nolo­gies to process bil­lions of page view, impres­sion and click events, feed­ing into our advanced ana­lyt­ics and real-time machine learn­ing com­po­nents to dri­ve unri­valed performance.

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Who is the ide­al Direc­tor of Marketing?

The Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing is both an oper­a­tional and strate­gic posi­tion at Yield­bot. You will be a liai­son between sales and prod­uct respon­si­ble for lead­ing ini­tia­tives to cre­ate mar­ket aware­ness and lead gen­er­a­tion for our busi­ness through a num­ber of channels.

You will help take var­i­ous inputs and put them into cre­ative mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and media plans. You will be respon­si­ble for exe­cut­ing these plans, opti­miz­ing their results and pre­sent­ing these results to the exec­u­tive man­age­ment. You are high­ly strate­gic, ana­lyt­ic, col­lab­o­ra­tive and have the desire to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast, loud and fun start­up environment.

Your mar­ket­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties would cov­er the com­pa­ny web­site, search adver­tis­ing and dis­play adver­tis­ing. Devel­op­ing a social media pres­ence, gen­er­at­ing email lists, case stud­ies, whitepa­pers. Don’t for­get about pre­sen­ta­tions using those excel­lent writ­ten, ver­bal and visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Expe­ri­ence with Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing and B2B Lead Gen­er­a­tion required.

Major know how on CRM sys­tems (Sales­force, Mar­ke­to, Par­dot, etc.) pre­ferred. Back of hand skills with Email mar­ket­ing (Con­stant Con­tact, Exact Tar­get, etc) pre­ferred. Expe­ri­ence with Web­site tech­nolo­gies (Word­Press). If you have these extras, you’ll most like­ly have this job in the bag. Expe­ri­ence in a start­up, small B2B busi­ness, work­ing in an Ad Agency. Web design and HTML a big plus. Using col­lab­o­ra­tive online tools like Slack and Trello.

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What does Yield­bot have to say about its services?

Yield­bot was found­ed on Valen­tines Day 2010. Today, Yield­bot is a trust­ed first-par­ty part­ner with many of the world’s largest media com­pa­nies and is deliv­er­ing mea­sured mar­ket­ing for pres­ti­gious con­sumer brands. We are the liv­ing embod­i­ment of a dis­rup­tive technology.

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