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Will $25 million see convert mobiles from smart to dynamic?

Mobile phones are to under­go a trans­for­ma­tion from “smart” to “dynam­ic” if the aims of Israel based start­up come to fruition – and with $25 mil­lion in series C fund­ing just clinched, those goals are a sub­stan­tial step closer.

The lat­est round of fund­ing was led by Tele­fon­i­ca Dig­i­tal, with sig­nif­i­cant par­tic­i­pa­tion from Singtel and Mozil­la along with exist­ing investors. The lat­ter include Hori­zon Ven­tures, BRM Group and Drap­er Fish­er Jurvet­son. The new deal brings the company’s total fund­ing to $35 million.

The start­up, which was launched in 2010 as “DoAT”, uses a dynam­ic phone plat­form capa­ble of chang­ing on-screen apps to reflect the con­tent and ser­vices users need from moment to moment. None of the apps offered by require down­load or instal­la­tion – they’re used direct­ly from the cloud cour­tesy of HTML5.

Why the big play­ers are interested

The invest­ment will see Mozil­la, Tele­fon­i­ca and prob­a­bly Singtel inte­grate the plat­form in their mobile ser­vices (Mozilla’s Fire­fox mobile plat­form is still in devel­op­ment but will be avail­able short­ly). Mozilla’s VP of Prod­uct, Jay Sul­li­van, said, “We’ve been watch­ing for a while and we thought they were close­ly aligned with our goals, both on how to present mobile expe­ri­ences and to move HTML5 for­ward. We see this as prod­uct-dri­ven and very exciting.”

Telefonica’s Direc­tor of Invest­ments, Tra­cy Isacke, said, “As the next gen­er­a­tion of smart­phone users come on board, they will be less sophis­ti­cat­ed, so you need to start to make the expe­ri­ence much more intu­itive and seam­less.” And that’s pre­cise­ly what delivers.

Oppor­tu­ni­ties for mobile phones advertising

There are some excit­ing impli­ca­tions for mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies with the new plat­form. doesn’t have a rev­enue mod­el yet, but mobile adver­tis­ing could lead the way for mon­e­tiz­ing if agen­cies are offered pre­mi­um placements.

For now, the com­pa­ny will use the new finance to devel­op its exist­ing prod­ucts fur­ther. It cur­rent­ly offers an iPhone app and will short­ly be offer­ing an Android ver­sion when it comes out of beta. A desk­top ver­sion is also in development.

Co-founder Ami Ben David explained that will nev­er push apps that are irrel­e­vant to users, “[I]f you are a One Direc­tion fan you are going to get videos, and if there is an app to pro­mote the con­cert you will get that as well.”