Making Job Search Easier by Finding the Great Companies First

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Be an Insider

How Can you Get the Great Jobs at the Top Companies?

If you had been one of the first employ­ees at Ebay, Google or Ama­zon you would be set for life now.

But when they were start ups by the time most peo­ple knew they exist­ed the com­pe­ti­tion for jobs was significant.

As most peo­ple know, in today’s world the com­pe­ti­tion for jobs is fierce. 

Most who get inter­views do so either by know­ing someone 
at the com­pa­ny or by get­ting referred to some­one at the company.

But what if you don’t know any­one who can help?

We’re intro­duc­ing Inside Track Webi­na­rs to solve that problem.

Would you like to be on a first name basis with the CEO of the firm you 
want to work at and send your let­ter and resume to their per­son­al email address?

These Invite Only Webi­na­rs will be pri­vate online pre­sen­ta­tions and meet­ings limited 
to a select group of qual­i­fied indi­vid­u­als who will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inter­act with 
Exec­u­tives at some of the most notable and emerg­ing orga­ni­za­tions in the media industries.

Now you can go to the front of the line and become an Insid­er with

The webi­nar par­tic­i­pants will include CEOs, CTOs, Exec­u­tive VPs and more key players.
The pre­sen­ta­tions will not be sem­i­nars or “why you should work at x” presentations.

These are pri­vate invite only dis­cus­sions pro­vid­ing an inside look at these 
com­pa­nies busi­ness­es, prod­ucts, accom­plish­ments and mar­kets. They are going to 
pro­vide all the infor­ma­tion you need to have an edge over your com­pe­ti­tion when apply­ing for jobs.

You will have first hand oppor­tu­ni­ties to ask ques­tions and inter­act with the Exec­u­tives online.

Reg­is­ter below to be put on the pri­or­i­ty list for our first Webinar.

Make your next refer­ral the CEO of your desired company.