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INTERVIEW: Wear Vision for over 1 Billion Viewers, MeCam

Job seek­ers should be focus­ing on online video as the next tv net­work.  As the four major TV net­works con­tin­ue to announce rat­ings declines the sources of new online video con­tin­ue to grow.  YouTube has com­mit­ted in excess of $40 mil­lion dol­lars to inde­pen­dent pro­duc­ers to cre­ate pro­gram­ming and has added live stream­ing and sub­scrip­tions as they build their 1 bil­lion plus user plat­form.  Cur­rent­ly over100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute.

In today’s dig­i­tal world every­one can be a producer.

With the intro­duc­tion of a wear­able video cam­era, MeCam, the mar­ket con­tin­ues to expand.

MeCam, cur­rent­ly only offered online, is short­ly to be work­ing on dis­tri­b­u­tion deals with major retail­ers and expects to see sig­nif­i­cant dis­tri­b­u­tion increases.

We caught up with Drew Mar­tin, the inven­tor of the MeCam, and learned about his plans for this new­ly released product.

You can lis­ten to Drew’s Inter­view here and read it below:

Roy:     My name is Roy Weiss­man from  Today we are speak­ing with Drew Mar­tin from MeCam. MeCam is the hands-free wear­able video cam­era that cap­tures your life; live life to the fullest and let MeCam cap­ture it for you. Wel­come Drew.

Drew:  Thank you.

Roy:     How are you this morning?

Drew:  I am great thanks. How are you?

Roy:     What made you start this ser­vice? When did you start it? Where did this come from? Did you have any expe­ri­ence? Tell us a lit­tle bit.

Drew:  Just as with any kind of entre­pre­neur­ial endeav­or, this is not where I envi­sion myself five years ago. Every­body kind of has their own path to where they end up. I just turned 30 so I am pret­ty young, but I feel like I have gone through a life­time of careers, espe­cial­ly with every­thing that has hap­pened in between grad­u­at­ing col­lege and now as far as finan­cial world and atmosphere.

Orig­i­nal­ly out of col­lege I was a finance per­son and work­ing in bank­ing, and then it wasn’t ful­fill­ing for me per se, and it wasn’t what I found to be my call­ing or what made me hap­py. I did some oth­er dif­fer­ent career paths but some­how I end­ed up invest­ing into a spy­ware com­pa­ny, so spy­ware such as small cam­eras, nan­ny cams, which are is a pret­ty large market.

From there I thought this tech­nol­o­gy is very cool; how­ev­er, it is real­ly being pigeon­holed into only mar­ket­ed as spy­ware, which kind of has a creepy con­no­ta­tion and is not real­ly accept­ed by the main­stream public.

I thought why don’t I take this tech­nol­o­gy and put it into some­thing that is a lit­tle bit more accept­able to the pub­lic. That is how MeCam was born. It took me about a year to devel­op, and I launched it in Jan­u­ary 2013, and six months down the road, thank­ful­ly, it is suc­cess­ful and peo­ple are react­ing well to it and buy­ing it, and we are get­ting users every day and here we are.

Roy:     Did you have a back­ground in cam­eras or optics or any­thing like that?

Drew:  No, not at all. I think that we are very lucky to live in a day and age where you don’t have to have exper­tise in a field to nec­es­sar­i­ly go into it and start a busi­ness out of it. With the inter­net today, with the glob­al mar­ket place, I think that you are able to edu­cate your­self about any­thing you want to do, and if you have the gus­to and the moti­va­tion, you can go and do it.

No, I didn’t have any back­ground in cam­eras or tech­nol­o­gy. Like I said, I came from a finance back­ground. After I did finance, I had a cou­ple of retail stores in Man­hat­tan, which taught me about what it takes to run your first busi­ness, more so about being pre­pared for the unex­pect­ed if you can.

Every lit­tle busi­ness that you do, you learn some­thing new. You take that les­son and move on, whether you suc­ceed or fail but no back­ground at all in tech­nol­o­gy. I edu­cat­ed myself and I con­sid­er myself not an expert but very famil­iar with this space now.

Roy:     Do you think of MeCam as in the cam­era mar­ket or in the wearable’s, the tech­nol­o­gy wearable’s market?

Drew:  It can go into both. It is not a prod­uct that I feel peo­ple are going to go into a Best Buy and they are going to go look for cam­corder or point and click or point and shoot cam­era. It is not meant to nec­es­sar­i­ly replace oth­er cam­eras, but it is sup­posed to be in addition.

I real­ly think that it will be part or if part of this new wave of wear­able tech­nol­o­gy, which I think we are going to see a huge pro­lif­er­a­tion of in the next two to four years, espe­cial­ly with the launch of Google Glass and oth­er wear­able tech­nolo­gies such as smart watch­es and things of this nature.

Roy:     Now how would you say from a finan­cial per­spec­tive, what would you say the size of the mar­ket is for a prod­uct like this?

Drew:  It is real­ly hard to gauge. As with any new mar­ket, it is hard to real­ly gauge it. I think the pos­si­bil­i­ties are real­ly end­less because there are a lot of prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions for it. When I launched this prod­uct, I had a total­ly dif­fer­ent demo­graph­ic envi­sioned and uses; I thought it was more for a young per­son to take their life and go to con­certs and fes­ti­vals, stuff like that.

How­ev­er, since I have launched it, peo­ple have always been react­ing well to it. Peo­ple have been using it for work a lot in their dif­fer­ent fields, from real estate agents tap­ing walk-throughs, to peo­ple in sales record­ing them, teach­ing their employ­ees, etcetera. There has real­ly been a lot of uses for it.

How­ev­er, just to give you an exam­ple, a com­pa­ny like Go Pro, which is about sev­en to ten years old, in between there. It got eval­u­at­ed at around $2 mil­lion, with Fox­Con invest­ing in them.

If you want to go with that, that will give you a bet­ter idea of the mar­ket. That is a lit­tle bit of a big­ger cam­era and high­er price point, but that is now our company.

Roy:     What is Go Pro? Can you explain that for everybody?

Drew:  Go Pro is a, you can also say that it is a wear­able cam­era. It is a cam­era that has been catered to extreme sports — surf­ing, snow­board­ing, ski­ing, moun­tain bike rid­ing, things of this nature, and auto racing.

They have a whole bunch of dif­fer­ent kinds of fit­tings, it is a small cam­era, small high guard cam­era, and it also has a lot of dif­fer­ent mounts, so you can now mount it to your surf­board, and you can mount it to your hel­met, and you don’t exact­ly wear it like a MeCam on your body or clothes, but there are a lot of dif­fer­ent mounts. You can wear it on your head if you like.

They were kind of an inno­va­tor of this wear­able cam­era tech­nol­o­gy, but they real­ly focused more on an extreme ath­lete and sport demo­graph­ic, where­as with MeCam I am more focused on the aver­age consumer.

Roy:     With Go Pro, how much does that sell for?

Drew:  They are between $300 to $400.

Roy:     How much is MeCam?

Drew:  MeCam retails between $50 to $70.

Roy:     On a MeCam, how much video can I store on that?

Drew:  MeCam you can store, the bat­tery life is real­ly the big­ger issue; it lasts around an hour and a half. I offer dif­fer­ent mem­o­ry sizes, between one hour to up to four hours. It goes one hour, two hours, or four hours. I offer dif­fer­ent mem­o­ry options.

Roy:     The Go Pro lasts how long?

Drew:  I’m not sure, maybe three hours. It is just a func­tion of size and how big the bat­tery can be because MeCam is only two inch­es in diam­e­ter, so unfor­tu­nate­ly it hasn’t been great advances in bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy; I think you are also going to see some changes in that in the next cou­ple of years. Because even with things such as a smart phone, I think that most peo­ple agree that the bat­tery is the biggest issue. This is also with MeCam, just for the size of it, and there are lim­i­ta­tions on the bat­tery and on the size of the bat­tery, which lim­its how long you can tape.

Roy:     You nev­er real­ly gave me a cent dol­lar val­ue. What do you think the dol­lar val­ue of the mar­ket is for cam­eras like this?

Drew:  On a year­ly basis?

Roy:     Yes, on an annu­al basis?

Drew:  I’d prob­a­bly say a $5 bil­lion mar­ket, every year.

Roy:     That mar­ket is the mar­ket for cam­eras, video cameras?

Drew:  For everything.

Roy:     All cameras.

Drew:  Right, because you are get­ting to a point where all cam­eras can do the same kind of thing, right? All your dig­i­tal point shoot cam­eras are now video cam­eras, right? You have your DSLR cam­eras that are able to take great pic­tures but also shoot HD video, so you have to include where the mar­ket used to be seg­re­gat­ed into point shoot cam­eras and video cam­eras. That mar­ket is merg­ing into one, right. That is where we head­ing with I think all devices.

Roy:     Oh, yes.

Drew:  Exact­ly, that is where we are heading.

Roy:     That’s why you are think­ing it is $5 mil­lion, overall.

Drew:  Yes.

Roy:     Oth­er than Go Pro, is there any­one else doing some­thing sim­i­lar to the MeCam?

Drew:  At the price point, no. There is no real com­peti­tor at the price point. There are oth­er cam­eras that will do some­thing sim­i­lar, but they are three times the price.

Roy:     The MeCam sells for how much?

Drew:  $50 to $70 retail.

Roy:     $50 to $70, can I get it in the store now?

Drew:  As a new launch, start­up com­pa­ny, I had some deci­sions to make, and so my busi­ness mod­el per­son­al­ly was that I want­ed to keep the prod­uct very inex­pen­sive, and in that way intro­duce it to the pub­lic and edu­cate them on what MeCam is, what it does, the cul­ture of MeCam, and to do that by keep­ing it affordable.

When I did that, it has lim­it­ed me because the mar­gins are small except for doing stuff like retail, so right now I am a direct con­sumer and I sell at out­lets such as and The Fan­cy and oth­er sites like that. I am not in a phys­i­cal brick and mor­tar retail right now. How­ev­er, I am launch­ing a new MeCam in the upcom­ing months, prob­a­bly in August or Sep­tem­ber, which will be in retail.

Roy:     Will that be more expensive?

Drew:  Yes, it will be slight­ly more expen­sive, but it will be a lot more tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced camera.

Roy:     What do you think that will go for?

Drew:  I’m think­ing it will sell between $120 and $150. I’ll always offer both, but the next one will be com­plete­ly Wi-Fi with an appli­ca­tion to your phone.

Roy:     Wow. It sounds like every­thing is con­nect­ing to everything.

Drew:  Well, this is where we are head­ing. The thing about MeCam is that since I’ve launched it, I have got­ten a good user base and I real­ly val­ue my customer’s feed­back, and so my ini­tial users have giv­en me a lot of great feed­back and so I’ve tak­en that input and put it into the design of my next MeCam.

Roy:     Now, with Google Glass­es, does that record video?

Drew:  It does.

Roy:     That is yet anoth­er poten­tial com­peti­tor, but that is very expensive.

Drew:  Yes, $2000.

Roy:     Right. I was just read­ing an arti­cle about the next thing: why wear­ables are the next secu­ri­ty mael­strom; now everyone’s going to be wear­ing video cam­eras. That is one of the biggest con­cerns with the Google glass­es that peo­ple are wear­ing them or record­ing with them, record­ing the peo­ple around them. Do you think that is going to become an issue that is going to slow the growth of what you are doing?

Drew:  I don’t. I think that we live in a day and age in which we are being video­taped, pho­tographed 24 hours day, espe­cial­ly if you live in a place like Man­hat­tan or live in a major city, you’re always are on video, whether you know it or not.

I think peo­ple will learn to act appro­pri­ate­ly and you have to change your behav­iour to your envi­ron­ment, to your sur­round­ings. It is not like­ly to say: Google glass­es can record so we’re not going to buy it.

This is not how the con­sumer is going to react, I don’t believe. It start­ed with smart phones, and I think that was a good step into peo­ple adjust­ing and get­ting used to being held account­able of how they act because they’re always on video tape. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is going to be part of our lives and some­thing we have to get used to because it is not going away.

Roy:     Maybe peo­ple will be wear­ing dis­guis­es going down the street.

Drew:  Maybe!

Roy:     It will be like Hal­loween, 365 days a year. That way nobody can be recognized.

Drew:  Maybe that is my next prod­uct is some­thing you can wear, where you’re invis­i­ble to the camera.

Roy:     That’s it! That sounds right out of sci­ence fic­tion. A friend of mine who is a sci­ence fic­tion freak, we were talk­ing about it the oth­er day, and I said, some­one should write an arti­cle about the inter­sec­tion of sci­ence fic­tion with real­i­ty. He goes: why? Real­i­ty is more insane than sci­ence fic­tion ever was.

He said what is hap­pen­ing today is mov­ing so fast that it is ahead of sci­ence fic­tion. No one’s read­ing sci­ence fic­tion; they are read­ing reality.

Drew:  Sure.

Roy:     Maybe you can be the next one to intro­duce the non-vis­i­ble out­fits you can wear, so peo­ple wear­ing video cam­eras won’t be able to see you.

Drew:  I agree.

Roy:     It’ll be the self-vehicle.

Drew:  Nobody is going to steal that one; it is going to be ours, right?

Roy:     That’s it! We’ve copy­right­ed it. It’s on tape. You are cur­rent­ly sell­ing to Fab and Fan­cy. Do you expect to be expand­ing to major retail­ers with the new camera?

Drew:  Yes, it is not only local retail­ers. It is just that when you have a prod­uct like this there is a lot of oppor­tu­ni­ty for inter­na­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion, and at first, I was real­ly against it, and I was more focused on this new direct con­sumer model.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, if you real­ly want to grow your brand, brand aware­ness, and just your vol­ume of sales, etcetera, retail is a nec­es­sary evil, and you are not going to grow unless you go into retail.

Roy:     Cer­tain­ly retail stores are dying to have good prod­ucts, so peo­ple won’t just buy them online.

Drew:  They are. You even need mar­gins to do some­thing like Ama­zon and stuff like that. It is hard for the con­sumer to under­stand what it takes to deal with a brick and mor­tar retail store and ser­vice an account like that.

Let’s say you get a $3 mil­lion order. Gen­er­al­ly you can spend $2.5 mil­lion to ser­vice that order. It is not like: oh, we’re rich. You have got a $3 mil­lion order that is not how it works. A lot of these stores have a ‘no ask return pol­i­cy’ up to a year, so you deal with a lot of charge backs, and there are a lot of down­sides that come with deal­ing with these larg­er com­pa­nies because as far as small­er com­pa­nies they kind of own you, but that’s just part of doing business.

Roy:     Your expe­ri­ence in retail pays off in this respect, under­stand­ing all the issues around retail distribution.

Drew:  It does because unfor­tu­nate­ly a lot of small com­pa­nies that don’t under­stand and will think of hit­ting it big will go out of busi­ness. It is enough to put you out of busi­ness, and very quick­ly, if you don’t know what to expect, and if you haven’t worked with these larg­er brick and mor­tar and oth­er big retail stores.

Roy:     I think you brought up a real­ly good point when you said: I sell $3 mil­lion worth of prod­uct but it costs me $2 and a half mil­lion to do it. I see peo­ple under­es­ti­mate the mar­ket­ing costs in sell­ing a prod­uct. They think: oh, your prod­uct costs $50. I’ll sell it for $75.

They don’t under­stand there is an enor­mous amount of cost in the mar­ket­ing. Many times a prod­uct might cost $20 and you have to sell it, even from your sense, to the store for $75 because of you mar­ket­ing costs. They want con­tri­bu­tion to their adver­tis­ing, or what­ev­er. It all adds up. You’ve got a bud­get for all those things.

Drew:  These are all learn­ing expe­ri­ences from when I launched I had no idea what mar­gins for con­sumer elec­tron­ics were, and what retail­ers are look­ing for. That is what you learn, which is part of start­ing any busi­ness; you have your grow­ing pains and you learn some­thing new every day, which part of it is exciting.

Roy:     Could you give it any sense? You said you launched this in Jan­u­ary, right? That was when you first got it going? Could you give us any sense of what kind of sales you are doing, or any kind of mea­sure from or a sense of how well it is going so far?

Drew:  Every day is dif­fer­ent. I have prob­a­bly sold about over 5000 units in the last five or six months, maybe more, maybe 7000. It’s at a pace, where I’ve been able to man­age it.

It’s a pace where I am able to grow and rein­vest those prof­its from the com­pa­ny and grow it like that. If I had launched it in Jan­u­ary then had to order 10 000 units the sec­ond day, I would have prob­a­bly gone out of business.

Some­times slow and steady growth is more desir­able than a celebri­ty endors­ing it, and you blow out 20 000 units in the sec­ond week, and then you’re a suc­cess but you prob­a­bly can’t deliv­er on that order for a while and then you alien­ate your new customer.

What’s nice that I have had very steady growth, and I have been able to real­ly inter­act with my cus­tomers per­son­al­ly, which they have real­ly appre­ci­at­ed and get­ting their feed­back, and just real­ly focus­ing on cus­tomer ser­vice. I think when you do a prod­uct like this cus­tomer ser­vice is paramount.

Your cus­tomer expects it and real­ly appre­ci­ates it. You are try­ing to devel­op a cus­tomer for life rather than try­ing to pawn your prod­uct off on them.

Roy:     Oth­er than your site, how many oth­er sites would you say your prod­uct is sold on, online?

Drew:  Just a cou­ple. I like to keep in charge of my inven­to­ry, and so what I do have is, is it’s out there in a lot of blogs and stuff like that, which will back­link to my site. I think it has been amaz­ing how many blogs are out there that are will­ing to help an entre­pre­neur out and do some cross promotion.

Because let’s say you have 30 blogs that pick you up, and every blog has their own 20 to 30 000 fol­low­ers, right, because there are so many out there, and not every­body is going to fol­low every one.

It is real­ly a unique mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty that we have today where 10 years ago it didn’t exist, and I prob­a­bly wouldn’t be able to have this com­pa­ny or launch it the way I did.

It would have tak­en a lot more mon­ey, and you would have, short of going straight into retail, there was no real way to launch a prod­uct like this with­out going full blown. Like I said, we real­ly live in a unique day and age where, I think, any­body can do any­thing they want.

Roy:     Do you have an affil­i­ate pro­gram where they can earn commission?

Drew:  No, I don’t.

Roy:     They are just doing it for the fun of it because they think it’s cool.

Drew:  Blogs are look­ing for con­tent, and so this is, I think, an excit­ing, new and inno­v­a­tive prod­uct; some peo­ple have agreed; some haven’t. They are look­ing for con­tent to put on their sites.

Roy:     Do you spend a lot of time reach­ing out to a lot of these blogs to get this vis­i­bil­i­ty attention?

Drew:  For­tu­nate­ly, they end up reach­ing out to me a lot of the time, but any­body who emails me, I speak to them. Nobody is too small; every per­son who reach­es out to me I reach out to them in a time­ly man­ner, even crit­ics because you reach out to me, and here we are.

For­tu­nate­ly I haven’t real­ly had to spend a lot of time; at first, I did with press releas­es and stuff like that. Peo­ple end up reach­ing out to me, which is great.

Roy:     I think you’ve done phe­nom­e­non­al­ly in just six months, real­ly from day one. Where would you like to be in a year from now, financially?

Drew:  I’m not wor­ried about finan­cials per se. I think that finan­cials are nice; I am not wor­ried about mon­ey besides mon­ey to grow the company…

Roy:     I just mean in sales.

Drew:  With sales…

Roy:     To make opti­mum sales, what would you like to be doing?

Drew:  I think I’ll reach a mil­lion dol­lar sales by the end of this year, through the hol­i­day sea­son, so by next year I hope to be grow­ing at least 100% every year, if not more.

Roy:     Two mil­lion or three mil­lion maybe next year?

Drew:  Yes.

Roy:     Sure­ly if you get retail dis­tri­b­u­tion that should rock­et distribution?

Drew:  Yes, the fig­ures may be mis­lead­ing but, yes, you are right. It will def­i­nite­ly dri­ve up your rev­enues. Whether it’ll dri­ve bot­tom line or not, is dif­fer­ent, but it’ll def­i­nite­ly dri­ve up revenues.

Roy:     You men­tioned bring­ing in a new cam­era in three to six months. Do you see any new prod­ucts? How do you see the busi­ness grow­ing? Obvi­ous­ly get­ting more dis­tri­b­u­tion, but what per­cent­age of your growth do you think will be from dis­tri­b­u­tion ver­sus adding more than one or two new products?

Drew:  I think with adding the prod­ucts the growth comes, and this is just from speak­ing to peo­ple and peo­ple email­ing me and telling me what they want.

I think that my next prod­uct is what peo­ple want, and it address­es all the short com­ings of my first prod­uct. I am not going to say it is per­fect. It’s my first offer­ing, and I think it is great for the price, and I think peo­ple will find a lot of uses for it, but the next prod­uct is def­i­nite­ly a huge improve­ment, and I think all of my growth next year is going to come from that.

Roy:     Your one new product?

Drew:  Yes, and I think my new prod­uct will help the cur­rent prod­uct sell as well. I think they kind of pig­gy back off each other.

Roy:     Between those two prod­ucts, you think you are going to do your two to three mil­lion next year?

Drew:  Hope­ful­ly, yes, that is the plan.

Roy:     Have you raised any fund­ing for the busi­ness at this point?

Drew:  I am rais­ing my first round right now. I haven’t need­ed it before; I blue tracked it myself, and as I said, unfor­tu­nate­ly, I wasn’t been able to launch it with not an exor­bi­tant amount of mon­ey, but I have been able to hold on to own­er­ship my own company.

Right now I am look­ing for quite a qual­i­ty strate­gic invest­ment. A lot of peo­ple have offered me mon­ey, and I haven’t tak­en it, but I am look­ing for more peo­ple who can help me grow the busi­ness where I am lack­ing, where my weak points are as a CEO, in grow­ing this com­pa­ny to the next lev­el. I’m tak­ing on a strate­gic invest­ment right now and talk­ing to people.

Roy:     Can you say how much you are look­ing to raise?

Drew:  It depends. I haven’t even come to a sol­id fig­ure, poten­tial­ly $500 000, around there, noth­ing huge.

Roy:     If some­one was sit­ting there with mon­ey, burn­ing a hole in their pocket â€¦

Drew:  Yes if they are inter­est­ed in the idea and they want to help build a busi­ness, then yes, I am will­ing to speak to anybody.

Roy:     There are sure­ly a lot of brick and mor­tar retail­ers who are look­ing for an edge, so con­ceiv­ably you might find one or two of those or three of those who want­ed to invest in your busi­ness because they see it as a prod­uct that they could own, not actu­al­ly own, but have some­thing that would be unique in their stores, that would be very valu­able to help them grow their busi­ness and dif­fer­en­ti­ate them­selves from the online issues.

Drew:  I agree. That is how they are going to sur­vive in the next five years.

Roy:     Now do you have any employ­ees now?

Drew:  Yes, I have a cou­ple of peo­ple, peo­ple to help ful­fill orders and thing like that. I have a con­sult­ing team and peo­ple who han­dle my social media and things like that.

I haven’t made any major hires at this point, and that is why I am look­ing for strate­gic investors, peo­ple who have built com­pa­nies before because it doesn’t seem like it, but that is the hard­est part of this.

You devel­op a prod­uct. Thank­ful­ly you’ve had some suc­cess. Peo­ple are react­ing well to it. It is sell­ing, and now what? Get­ting to the next step is where a lot of com­pa­nies fail, and so I am look­ing for that help in to build­ing the com­pa­ny and tak­ing the next step.

Roy:     Sounds like a Shark Tank pro­mo­tion! Would you get one of their strate­gic investors to help you?

Drew:  Exactly.

Roy:     Exact­ly. Have you thought about, now you have built this busi­ness up, it’s four or five years down the road or maybe three years down the road, do you have an exit strategy?

Drew:  That is always hard to say because along with build­ing a com­pa­ny you don’t know where the mar­ket is going to go and what kind of piv­ots you can take.

I think that with MeCam what I’m focus­ing a lot on that stage is going to be the con­tent and my users. I have this hard­ware, and I’d like to focus on allow­ing my users to make the most of that con­tent, and so devel­op­ing some soft­ware to help them man­age it, and make that user friendly.

It is kind of intim­i­dat­ing right now. You don’t know what kind of piv­ot a com­pa­ny will take. Best case sce­nario, yes, I’d love for some­body like Go Pro to buy it in three years. That is an ide­al sit­u­a­tion, but you nev­er know.

Roy:     That is also part of get­ting strate­gic investors; some­times some­body invests in you because they are think­ing that they would have the inside track on buy­ing the whole com­pa­ny at some point, if they want­ed to.

Drew:  Yes, of course.

Roy:     At this point you are just try­ing to real­ly build the busi­ness. I think to sell this many units of a prod­uct that nev­er exist­ed before, I think is fan­tas­tic. It is like any­thing else.

You see peo­ple start busi­ness­es, and some peo­ple strug­gle, and some peo­ple intro­duce a prod­uct that is in demand, and it starts grow­ing, as I like to say, despite their efforts, and those are the kinds of prod­uct that res­onate with the mar­ket, but in the same token, it is also impor­tant to keep in touch with the mar­ket or you could eas­i­ly drift away, but it sounds like you have a prod­uct that peo­ple love, and to sell 10,000 of them just from a cou­ple of web­sites and minor word of mouth is obvi­ous­ly significant â€¦

Drew:  I haven’t real­ly spent any direct mon­ey on adver­tis­ing, which is nice.

Roy:     Which is eas­i­er this or the retail busi­ness that you had?

Drew:  I’m not going to say it is eas­i­er because every day it’s some­thing new, but the retail busi­ness is an extreme­ly hard busi­ness. It’s a sev­en day a week busi­ness. I lit­er­al­ly worked sev­en days a week for two years.

It is very tough. I feel for any­body who has a retail busi­ness, and I know what they are going through. If you are also able to be phys­i­cal­ly inter­act­ing with your cus­tomers, which is great, every day is fun. For me, this is more excit­ing and a lit­tle bit easier.

Roy:     Is there any­thing you want to men­tion that I haven’t asked you about that you want to bring up on the call here?

Drew:  No, I just think that if there are any aspir­ing entre­pre­neurs out there just to do it. Peo­ple are like: oh, how did you do this? I say no, I just did it.

I will sug­gest: don’t quite your day job before you have a built prod­uct and cus­tomers, and ide­al­ly you want to have cus­tomers before you build your product.

We live in a very unique time and I think peo­ple should take advan­tage of it because plen­ty of peo­ple will look back and have regrets, and it’s like ‘I’ve always want­ed to do this.’

We live in a time that any­body can do any­thing. I am always avail­able if any­body wants to reach out to me.

Roy:     How would they reach you?

Drew:  They can email me at You can go to my web­site: All my infor­ma­tion is there as well, and you can learn more about the prod­uct and hope­ful­ly buy one.

Roy:     What I love about this inter­view is this is a great exam­ple of a year from now, you could be phe­nom­e­nal­ly big­ger. You have got a prod­uct that is get­ting some traction.

You are about to intro­duce a prod­uct that you can sell to retail, and it is a great exam­ple of a com­pa­ny that is real­ly poised to take off. Lit­er­al­ly you could be doing mil­lions and mil­lions of dol­lars next year.

Once you get in some strate­gic invest­ment from Best Buy or some­body like that, and before you know it, you have an order for 100,000 of these, but done right so that you could get it done and not have any issues.

I think that this is a great exam­ple of the kind of com­pa­nies that we like to talk with, and we total­ly wish you the best. It sounds like you have a lot of excit­ing things to do.

Drew:  Thank you I appre­ci­ate it and I appre­ci­ate the time, and yes, I am always available.

Roy:     Well, thank you very much Drew.

Drew:  Thanks Roy.