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Tweet Binder, the New York analytics startup that keeps tabs on all your Twitter interests

There isn’t a social media man­ag­er alive who wouldn’t admit that keep­ing track of all your inter­ests on Twit­ter is slight­ly more dif­fi­cult than herd­ing cats. But thanks to New York-based start­up Tweet Binder, that job just got a whole lot simpler.

Found­ed in Spain in April 2013, it’s now head­quar­tered in New York. Its founder and CEO, Javier Abrego, describes it as the coolest vir­tu­al binder, com­plete with indi­vid­ual orga­niz­ing tabs full of what users want to know about what’s being tweet­ed on Twitter.

The Twit­ter API allows a free ser­vice like Tweet Binder a total of six days — and boy, does it make full use of that win­dow, ana­lyz­ing as many as 2,000 dif­fer­ent tweets and cat­e­go­riz­ing them into vir­tu­al binders. And it pin­points the main hash­tag con­trib­u­tors, too.

A vir­tu­al Track Keep­er for marketers?

Abrego says:

“We cre­at­ed Tweet Binder for mar­ket­ing, media and event com­pa­nies in need of a way to quick­ly and effi­cient­ly gen­er­ate deep ana­lyt­ics of Twit­ter users based on a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent fil­ters such as hash­tags, key­words, pho­tos, text-only tweets, check-ins and retweets. By cre­at­ing “binders” based on these cus­tomized fil­ters, com­pa­nies can track in real time how Twit­ter fol­low­ers are react­ing to their prod­ucts and events.”

He also claims that bur­geon­ing demand has pushed the start­up to open an addi­tion­al office in Boul­der. Col­orado, which per­haps isn’t sur­pris­ing. If you’ve got a prod­uct or ser­vice and you want to know how it’s going down out there, you don’t have to be a sea­soned social media man­ag­er to know that Twitter’s 200 mil­lion dai­ly tweets could give you a valu­able angle on that.

Ris­ing fortunes

Inge­nious­ly, Tweet Binder can track what com­peti­tors are say­ing about a prod­uct, fol­low­ing their respons­es in real time on a day-to-day basis. Even the most world­ly-wise social media man­agers would con­cede that’s pret­ty hot data to have access to, all of it neat­ly bun­dled into a per­son­al­ized vir­tu­al binder.

Not only has the num­ber of unique vis­i­tors to the start­up been bur­geon­ing expo­nen­tial­ly, it recent­ly launched a “Tweet Binder PRO” ver­sion which, unlike the free orig­i­nal, has deep­er ana­lyt­ics func­tion­al­i­ty and no time limits.

As for 2014, Abrego says he’ll be look­ing for investors and that he’s already got his sights set on Sin­ga­pore for a new office.

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