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Social media marketing startup Offerpop looks beyond New York to expand after 15 million Series C round

As just about all social media man­agers know, social media has become an indis­pens­able chan­nel for mar­ket­ing. And New York’s Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice start­up Offer­pop aims to con­sol­i­date its increas­ing­ly van­guard sta­tus in this field. This fol­lows a suc­cess­ful Series C round this month which added an addi­tion­al $15 mil­lion to its coffers.

Smart track­ing

The com­pa­ny was found­ed in 2009 by Allen Bonde, Mark Coop­er, Wen­dell Lands­ford and Prakash Mishra and has become a leader in social media mar­ket­ing in an impres­sive­ly short space of time. Its ros­ter now includes over 2,000 enter­prise and mid-mar­ket clients, amongst them big names like Com­e­dy Cen­tral, Lil­ly Pulitzer and L’Oreal. Social media man­agers hear­ing about it for the first time here will prob­a­bly want to know a lit­tle more about what this up-and-com­ing start­up offers, so here’s a lit­tle lowdown.

If a cus­tomer tweets about, say, a L’Oreal prod­uct, Offerpop’s plat­form not only lets L’Oreal know, it can also do much more intri­cate stuff as well. Like, for exam­ple, send­ing auto­mat­ed respons­es to the rel­e­vant tweet­ers, obtain­ing per­mis­sion to include user-gen­er­at­ed images in forth­com­ing mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als and mon­i­tor­ing the suc­cess or fail­ure of spe­cif­ic cam­paigns by iden­ti­fy­ing whether those tweet­ers actu­al­ly end­ed up buy­ing any­thing. As CEO Wen­dell Lans­ford puts it:

“The world of brand mar­ket­ing is chang­ing every day. With the rise of mobile and social, the most pow­er­ful con­tent is now user-gen­er­at­ed. And the most effec­tive mar­ket­ing is authen­tic and consumer-driven.

“Offer­pop pro­vides a com­plete solu­tion for this new real­i­ty, allow­ing brands to adapt to a new mar­ket­ing land­scape dri­ven by social and mobile con­sumers and con­tent creator.”

Growth plans 

The startup’s soft­ware han­dles social media in no few­er than 18 dif­fer­ent lan­guages, and although New York will remain its chief base, Lans­ford says that a new San Fran­cis­co office will open in the near future. The com­pa­ny is look­ing to scale up its over­seas capa­bil­i­ties as well.

The lat­est round of fund­ing, which was led by Edi­son Ven­tures, brings the company’s invest­ment total so far to $24.5 mil­lion. If any social media man­agers read­ing this want to know what else the new fund­ing will be used for, Lans­ford says that new soft­ware prod­ucts are in the off­ing along with a major invest­ment in infrastructure.

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