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Social Media Manager Jobs in New York

We’ve all heard about Twit­ter, Face­book, Google plus and YouTube.  All of these ser­vices fall under the cat­e­go­ry of Social Media.  The per­son who man­ages and cre­ates the con­tent for each of these chan­nels is called a Social Media Manager.

A social media man­ag­er is respon­si­ble for being the brand on social media. They cre­ate con­tent, respond to com­ments, answer ques­tions, and much more as the brand. Social media man­agers, more often than not, deal with peo­ple who have a rela­tion­ship with, or have heard of, the brand.

Many peo­ple in social media today would have been con­sid­ered a part of pub­lic rela­tions years ago but with the advent of all the new social ser­vices there is now a new role of Social Media Man­ag­er who spe­cial­izes on this group of mar­ket­ing chan­nels.  Anoth­er job asso­ci­at­ed with social media is called Com­mu­ni­ty Man­ag­er. Some­times Com­mu­ni­ty Man­ager’s do some sim­i­lar tasks to Social Media Man­agers but most of the time their role is more nar­row than the role of the Social Media Manager.