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Social Media Manager Jobs in Los Angeles

We’ve been research­ing to find some great Social Media Man­ag­er jobs in Los Ange­les. These are just a sam­pling of the many great posi­tions avail­able at any giv­en time.

Many times the key to find­ing that great media job is to find the great com­pa­nies first. We look for the newest and most cut­ting edge com­pa­nies, peo­ple and prod­ucts every day at

Become an insid­er by sub­scrib­ing to Inside Track, our twice week­ly update of the hottest com­pa­nies and oppor­tu­ni­ties in the media industries.

Also check out the many social media com­pa­nies we have already pro­filed by vis­it­ing our Social Media cat­e­go­ry.

Please vis­it us often to search for the newest opportunities.

Here are today’s picks:

Onward Search San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA
in a wide vari­ety of social media activ­i­ties such as… social media man­ag­er. Over­see­ing the exe­cu­tion of social media strat­e­gy through the use of social media
Mat­tel El Segun­do, CA

Social Media Req Num­ber: 122516 Location(s): El Segun­do CA Respon­si­bil­i­ties: Man­ag­er, Social Media The… a Man­ag­er to sup­port the Social Media team in the…

Dis­ney Parks & Resorts Glen­dale, CA

teams, the Social Media Com­mu­ni­ty Man­ag­er will devel­op a robust edi­to­r­i­al cal­en­dar for assigned Face­book pages and oth­er Social Media plat­forms. The Man­ag­er


eHar­mo­ny, Inc. San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA

Sum­ma­ry: The Social Media Man­ag­er acts as the pri­ma­ry… for social media and the social media com­mu­ni­ties. Require­ments: * Pas­sion for the social media space…

Man­ag­erSocial Media Job Descrip­tion The Man­ag­er, Social Media works with the Sr. Man­ag­er, Dig­i­tal &… of paid media cam­paigns on social media platforms…