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Social media analytics startup Socialbakers bags 6 million dollars in new funding

Social media ana­lyt­ics start­up Social­bak­ers has just announced an addi­tion­al $6 mil­lion in Series B fund­ing, cour­tesy of Index Ven­tures and Early­bird Ven­ture capital.

The Prague-based firm, which also has offices in San Fran­cis­co, Mex­i­co City, Sao Paulo, Lon­don, Paris, Munich, Istan­bul and Dubai, has already accrued a glit­ter­ing list of heavy­weight com­mer­cial clients since its 2009 launch, with names like Nes­tle, McDon­alds, Voda­phone, LVMH and Henkel loy­al­ly on its books.  You don’t get to cater for over a fifth of For­tune 500 com­pa­nies unless you’re doing some­thing right.

To the stratos­phere and beyond

To be frank, it’s the kind of suc­cess sto­ry to make more than a few con­tent man­agers, com­mu­ni­ty man­agers and social media man­agers sit back open jawed. In just three years, the firm has climbed to the top of the social media ana­lyt­ics tree, mon­i­tor­ing no few­er than 10 mil­lion social media cor­po­rate pro­files.  Its plat­form pro­vides the only glob­al solu­tion for brands wish­ing to mon­i­tor the suc­cess of their social media cam­paigns and com­pare trends against com­peti­tors on all the major social media net­works.  That means Google+, Face­book, Twit­ter, and LinkedIn, to name only the most prominent.

Its rep­u­ta­tion went through the stratos­phere in 2012 thanks to its adroit analy­ses of Face­book and Twit­ter trends for the US Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion and the Lon­don Olympics.  It can now lay claim to the title “Glob­al Leader” in the field of social media analy­sis and com­pet­i­tive intelligence.

From fledg­ling to glob­al leader in three years

Speak­ing just after the lat­est suc­cess­ful round of fund­ing, Index Ven­tures Part­ner, Jan Ham­mer, said:

“There is no ques­tion that Social­bak­ers leads this space.  Their name is now syn­ony­mous with intel­li­gent social media mea­sure­ment and bench­mark­ing.  With a man­age­ment team as deeply com­mit­ted to becom­ing the author­i­ty in social media mea­sure­ment, it is both a plea­sure and exhil­a­rat­ing to be part of their aston­ish­ing business.”

Social­bak­ers CEO Jan Rez­ab said that the new mon­ey would help the firm con­tin­ue inno­vat­ing its social media ana­lyt­ics plat­form with more fea­tures, allow­ing clients to “tar­get their audi­ences more effi­cient­ly, while allow­ing them to react quick­ly to the ever-chang­ing social media envi­ron­ment and pro­vid­ing ded­i­cat­ed glob­al care to address their indi­vid­ual needs.”