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The rise and rise of New York’s digital ad placement newbie, Clickit Digital

No mat­ter how cre­ative an art direc­tor you may be, or how tal­ent­ed an account man­ag­er, if your dig­i­tal ad place­ments aren’t right, your flare and skill will remain under a bushel. But New York’s fledg­ling adver­tis­ing start­up Click­it Dig­i­tal is poised to bring an end to that problem.

True cross chan­nel place­ment and progress monitoring

Launched in Sep­tem­ber 2012 out of New York’s “Start­up Alley”, the Albany-based new­bie has built an online plat­form that fine­ly tar­gets ad deliv­ery across Mobile, Video, Dis­play, Social Media and Search chan­nels, allow­ing clients to man­age the whole caboo­dle from a sin­gle place (and they can access live sup­port from Clickit’s team of experts, too).

Even novice man­agers will be aware that fath­om­ing out the opti­mal ad place­ment strat­e­gy is a com­pli­cat­ed and labo­ri­ous busi­ness. A new dash­board is soon to be unveiled, which will let the company’s 30-odd clients track web traf­fic using click-through and impres­sion data from sources like Face­book, LinkedIn and Google.

The start-up’s co-founder and Pres­i­dent of its dig­i­tal media strat­e­gy team, Lisa Aiel­lo, explained, “With the dash­board, we can show clients which ads are most suc­cess­ful and why.”

He fel­low co-founder (now CEO) Chrissie Van Wormer added:

“We want­ed to spe­cial­ize in some­thing. We are work­ing in a [dig­i­tal] space that not a lot of peo­ple are famil­iar with. It is so tar­get­ed, mak­ing it real­ly easy to track results with reports and analytics.”

Opti­miz­ing success

Account man­agers espe­cial­ly will appre­ci­ate the tedi­um-bust­ing tech­no­log­i­cal wiz­ardry of the new dash­board, which lets Clickit’s clients shift their bud­gets from chan­nel to chan­nel accord­ing to which of the ad place­ments are get­ting the most traffic.

Most of the startup’s clients are print, bill­board, radio and TV adver­tis­ing firms who’ve turned to Click­it to man­age the dig­i­tal com­po­nent of their over­all cam­paigns. So far, each client has brought a half-dozen more to the start­up, which charges a man­age­ment fee to cov­er ana­lyz­ing, strate­giz­ing and opti­miz­ing the ad suc­cess data its plat­form generates.

Last year, the start­up hit a total of $500,000 in online adver­tis­ing sales. Accord­ing to Van Wormer, it’s steadi­ly on course to at least dou­ble that by the end of 2014.  Not bad for a firm that hasn’t even reached its sec­ond birth­day yet.