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Top 5 Media Sales Job Employment Sites

The reces­sion has hit, and numer­ous news­pa­pers and media com­pa­nies have closed down or are due to close down. Media sales jobs and oth­er media jobs with news­pa­pers and writ­ten pub­li­ca­tions have extra pres­sure being placed on them with the com­mon thread in most thoughts being that the news­pa­pers has a finite lifes­pan. Media sales jobs are chang­ing shape and are tak­ing their places in the online com­mu­ni­ty, along with many oth­er media jobs. How does this affect you, the media sales job hunter? Accord­ing to, if you are set to search through writ­ten pub­li­ca­tions to find your media sales job, then you might not find what you are look­ing for.

Being that media sales jobs are now turn­ing towards the vir­tu­al world, it would make sense to search for them online. There are numer­ous online resources that can offer you a num­ber of options in terms of media sales job avail­abil­i­ty as well as diver­si­ty. Here are a few options that can offer you advice in media sales job search­es, as well as job opportunities:

  • Adver­tis­ing Cross­ing – – Their mis­sion is to search for every avail­able media sales job out of 8000 job boards and offer it to their sub­scribers. They offer a free 7 day tri­al to new users, and then com­mand a nom­i­nal fee for their ser­vices, infor­ma­tion and media sales job opportunities.
  • I Want Media – – I Want Media have a range of media sales jobs avail­able, as well as per­ti­nent infor­ma­tion per­tain­ing to the indus­try and links to var­i­ous media sales job insti­tu­tions and infor­ma­tion centers.
  • Media Bistro – – Media Bistro is a one stop media net­work offer­ing media sales jobs as well as inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion about the indus­try, blogs, help­ful links and train­ing cours­es. The media sales jobs are list­ed as full time, part time or free­lance options, and cov­ered the whole of the USA.
  • Myspace Jobs –– The ever pop­u­lar social net­work, Myspace actu­al­ly offers a wide array of media sales jobs and oth­er media jobs. In addi­tion to this, they also offer career edu­ca­tion for all jobs across the board, includ­ing medi­al sales jobs.
  • –– has a wide vari­ety of media sales jobs avail­able for free pub­lic search. They offer solu­tions for easy job hunt­ing and recruit­ment through the con­ve­nience of their web­site. Numer­ous arti­cles and blogs relat­ed to media sales jobs and relat­ed employ­ment can also be found here, offer­ing insight into the industry.

Once you have set your­self up on a decent media sales job search, you are halfway towards find­ing your ulti­mate online media sales job. And chances are you might even find some­thing with­in the print media sec­tor too, but remem­ber to bear in mind that there is talk that all media sales jobs are mov­ing online. Com­pe­ti­tion will be tough so ensure that your skills have been buffered so that you are the top can­di­date for the media sales job you are apply­ing for.