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Quality Product Manager can’t fall far from the Vine in New York

Vine is a short-form video shar­ing ser­vice. Found­ed in June 2012, it was acquired by microblog­ging web­site Twit­ter in Octo­ber 2012, just pri­or to its offi­cial launch. The ser­vice allows users to record and edit five to six-sec­ond long loop­ing video clips, and revine.

Some of those Vine users have built their six sec­onds of fame and gar­nered mil­lions of fol­low­ers, been fea­tured on nation­al tv and are build­ing a busi­ness start­ing with Vine videos.

Vine in New York, is look­ing for an expe­ri­enced and tal­ent­ed prod­uct man­ag­er to help them dri­ve the vision and exe­cu­tion of Vine’s video prod­uct. You will lever­age enor­mous real time data sets and rich pro­files. You will work with the imme­di­ate team to define the capa­bil­i­ties that users will use to build rich and cre­ative content.

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Who is the ide­al Prod­uct Man­ag­er for Vine

Do you have what it takes to define a prod­uct vision and strat­e­gy or pri­or­i­tize prod­uct require­ments. How about ensure we reg­u­lar­ly ship beau­ti­ful, delight­ful fea­tures. Coor­di­nate with design­ers, engi­neers, and oth­er cross-func­tion­al stake­hold­ers. Three years or more of prod­uct man­age­ment expe­ri­ence. Design / pro­to­typ­ing abil­i­ties as well as prob­lem solv­ing, orga­ni­za­tion­al and ana­lyt­i­cal skills.

A Famil­iar­i­ty with one or more pro­gram­ming lan­guages would be most def­i­nite­ly appre­ci­at­ed, a B.S. in com­put­er sci­ence, prod­uct design, or man­age­ment as well. Expe­ri­ence work­ing in mobile soft­ware devel­op­ment, famil­iar­i­ty with cur­rent trends in mobile apps. Def­i­nite­ly have to be an active user of Vine and Twit­ter. Oh and let’s not for­get the most impor­tant of all — Absurd lev­els of creativity.

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