Want to become a ProÂgramÂmatÂic Account ManÂagÂer of one of the world’s leadÂing ad techÂnolÂoÂgy comÂpaÂnies in New York City. Since their foundÂing in 2006, PubÂMatÂic has conÂsisÂtentÂly been first-to-marÂket with indusÂtry-changÂing prodÂucts, serÂvices and sysÂtems for publishers.
Their clients include ebay, NBCÂnews, Hearst, Rodale, Martha StewÂart, Toys R US, and the majorÂiÂty of the comÂScore Top 10. Their prodÂucts are supÂportÂed by always-on conÂsultÂing and serÂvices that reflect their belief in putting pubÂlishÂers’ needs first. They have sevÂen offices around the world in the US, Europe, and Asia, enabling pubÂlishÂers to realÂize the full potenÂtial of their digÂiÂtal assets globally.
They are lookÂing for team playÂers who embrace innoÂvaÂtion and want to join PubÂMatÂic’s AdverÂtisÂer SoluÂtions team. Their ProÂgramÂmatÂic Account ManÂagers are the face of PubÂMatÂic. They want someÂone who can deeply engage the cusÂtomer, and demonÂstrate PubÂMatÂic’s valÂue to BuyÂers, includÂing Ad NetÂworks, DSPs, TradÂing Desks, AgenÂcies & Advertisers.
So who are the ideÂal ProÂgramÂmatÂic Account ManÂagÂer for PubMatic?
Who is the PubÂMatÂic type? Did we hapÂpen to menÂtion hard workÂing? You should posÂsess an affinÂiÂty to being part of a team, seek ownÂerÂship, show iniÂtiaÂtive and super-human integriÂty. IdeÂal canÂdiÂdates will be interÂestÂed in this dynamÂic role posiÂtioned to maxÂiÂmize the impact of adverÂtisÂing camÂpaigns. ResponÂsiÂbilÂiÂties include delivÂerÂing world-class cusÂtomer serÂvice; schmooze with clients to meet their digÂiÂtal monÂeÂtiÂzaÂtion objecÂtives. ColÂlabÂoÂrate with colÂleagues to driÂve the sucÂcessÂful pairÂing of media buyer’s camÂpaign objecÂtives against PubMatic’s pubÂlishÂer adverÂtisÂing invenÂtoÂry and audiÂence segments.
The posiÂtion requires a sophisÂtiÂcatÂed underÂstandÂing of the media landÂscape and conÂtent pubÂlishÂing. UnderÂstand PubMatic’s techÂnolÂoÂgy and media soluÂtions and transÂfer that knowlÂedge to buyÂers. ActiveÂly monÂiÂtor the opporÂtuÂniÂty matrix between buyÂers and PubÂlishÂer invenÂtoÂry. IdenÂtiÂfy and engage perÂforÂmance tacÂtics for buyÂers. CreÂate and lead stratÂeÂgy meetÂings for your buyÂers. Team with MarÂketÂing & Sales DevelÂopÂment to creÂate invenÂtoÂry packÂages and to up-sell pubÂlishÂer invenÂtoÂry to buyÂers. Work directÂly with buyÂers on a day-to-day basis on relaÂtionÂship manÂageÂment. Build and mainÂtain close workÂing relaÂtionÂships with mulÂtiÂple departÂments includÂing: PubÂlishÂer Sales, Ad OperÂaÂtions, AccountÂing, EngiÂneerÂing and ProdÂuct ManÂageÂment. Active monÂiÂtorÂing and colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion with sales engiÂneers and techÂniÂcal engiÂneers to ensure smooth and timeÂly prodÂuct integrations.
You should bring with you 2–4 years of recent work expeÂriÂence in online adverÂtisÂing workÂing for an Ad NetÂwork, DSP or TradÂing Desk. PreÂferred expeÂriÂence in account manÂageÂment or yield manÂageÂment. Advanced skills in Microsoft Excel and MS Office. ThinkÂing strateÂgiÂcalÂly, anaÂlytÂiÂcalÂly and act tacÂtiÂcalÂly with the skills to comÂmuÂniÂcate effecÂtiveÂly to a C‑level audiÂence is defÂiÂniteÂly good with very strong project manÂageÂment and orgaÂniÂzaÂtion skills. Be warned, deadÂlines and heavy presÂsure is part of the job.
Here’s a PubÂMatÂic hisÂtoÂry lesÂson about the serÂvice they offer:
2007: 1st to MarÂket with Yield OptiÂmizaÂtion for PubÂlishÂers across ad networks
2008: 1st to MarÂket with GlobÂal Demand partÂner repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion for Publishers
2009: 1st to MarÂket with Real-Time BidÂding (RTB) for Publishers
2010: 1st to MarÂket with Data Theft preÂvenÂtion tools and dynamÂic Brand ProÂtecÂtion tool suite
2011: 1st to MarÂket with UniÂfied Insights; blendÂing guarÂanÂteed and non-guarÂanÂteed sales chanÂnels; AudiÂence Data AnaÂlytÂics packÂagÂing segÂmentÂed with real-time yield impact; PixÂel BlockÂing for data theft proÂtecÂtion; and RTB for Mobile ad units
2012: 1st to MarÂket with UniÂfied RevÂenue OptiÂmizaÂtion across guarÂanÂteed and non-guarÂanÂteed sales chanÂnels for every impression
2013: PubÂMatÂic announced we will open its mobile softÂware develÂopÂment kit (SDK) for preÂmiÂum pubÂlishÂers to all app providers, estabÂlishÂing a new self-serÂvice soluÂtion for mobile monÂeÂtiÂzaÂtion. Our mobile SDK is MRAID rich media-comÂpliÂant and supÂports all ad sizes.
2014: PubÂMatÂic launchÂes Video funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty proÂvidÂing the only ProÂgramÂmatÂic SoluÂtion to delivÂer adverÂtisÂing across DisÂplay, Mobile, and Tablet.
Every Ad. Every Sales ChanÂnel. Every Screen. One PlatÂform. PubMatic.