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New strategic partnership announced between StrikeAd and AdMobius

The world of mobile adver­tis­ing has tak­en an evo­lu­tion­ary leap for­ward with a new part­ner­ship between two high­ly inno­v­a­tive mobile start-ups, StrikeAd and AdMo­bius. StrikeAd, found­ed in 2010 by mobile adver­tis­ing crack­er­jack Alex Rah­man, quick­ly attract­ed a good deal of invest­ment with its unique Demand

Taken to TASC: improving ad agency/tech startup communication

Four high fly­ing exec­u­tives from top online adver­tis­ing agen­cies have launched a new ini­tia­tive which promis­es big improve­ments to the often fraught rela­tion­ships between ad agen­cies and tech star­tups. The Tech­nol­o­gy, Adver­tis­ing and Start­up Coun­cil or TASC is the brain­child of three New York-based digital

The New Digital Bookworms

Kids are read­ing more than ever…electronically.  iPads and Tablets are chang­ing how kids every­where will expe­ri­ence read­ing. Accord­ing to The Tele­graph, 2.6 mil­lion eBooks for chil­dren were sold in the first half of 2012 alone, com­pared to one mil­lion sales in the whole of 2011.

Quartz – aimed at the elite, but will it pay?

Atlantic New Media’s lat­est busi­ness title, Quartz, is only avail­able in a dig­i­tal for­mat, designed pure­ly for mobile and tablets, and the tar­get audi­ence is strict­ly elite, com­pris­ing Inter­na­tion­al busi­ness lead­ers who demand the high­est qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion to help them nav­i­gate the mine­field that is

Can eXelate’s magic touch extend to audience creation?

Fol­low­ing a $12 mil­lion cash injec­tion, dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy firm eXe­late look set to move online adver­tis­ing up a gear by using big data to ‘cre­ate’ audi­ences for savvy online mar­keters. This lat­est Series C fund­ing will allow glob­al expan­sion and allow eXe­late to devel­op the