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What is Happening at UBER at this Very Moment?

What is Happening at UBER at this Very Moment?

Well if you thought Uber had devel­oped a lot of ene­mies in the taxi busi­ness before by bring­ing a new lev­el of com­pe­ti­tion to the some­what monop­o­lized indus­try, you can bet that those ene­mies will be even more incensed with the com­pa­ny’s lat­est move —

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Ryan  Rogows­ki, CEO and Cofounder of San Fran­cis­co based Way­go Trans­la­tion App believes that with­in our life­time, we’ll be able to trans­late and speak mul­ti­ple lan­guages flu­ent­ly with the help of tech­nol­o­gy. “I think lan­guage as a bar­ri­er is being solved and it’s an exciting

Is the Operator App a media game changer?

Is the Operator App a Media Game Changer?

Have you heard of the Oper­a­tor App? In the old days, we con­sumers would go through the ardu­ous and time con­sum­ing process of get­ting dressed, get­ting in our vehi­cles, and actu­al­ly phys­i­cal­ly dri­ving to a store — or sev­er­al stores — to buy some­thing. Then we

How much money can you make in VR?

How much Money can you make in VR?

As a race, we humans have final­ly hit the wall. Real­i­ty just does­n’t cut it any­more. We need vir­tu­al real­ty ( VR ), aug­ment­ed real­i­ty. mixed real­i­ty. It’s evo­lu­tion. It’s progress. It’s what all the cool kids are talk­ing about. And it’s about to be