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Extra investment sees Hearsay Social hit the growth trail

In a move bound to pique the inter­est of com­mu­ni­ty man­agers every­where, social start­up Hearsay Social has announced it has secured $30 mil­lion in Series C fund­ing.  The move will mean the com­pa­ny has extra capac­i­ty to invest in expand­ing cus­tomer sup­port, sales teams and

How to get the best out of mobile advertising campaigns: an expert speaks

A promi­nent exec­u­tive in mobile mar­ket­ing has offered some key advice to cre­atives hold­ing media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies: focus on cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Writ­ing in the online mar­ket­ing news and infor­ma­tion out­let iMe­di­a­Con­nec­tion, Deb­o­ra Lance (Exec­u­tive VP and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of mobile mar­ket­ing agency

How best to make online video ads truly interactive

Art direc­tors want­i­ng to get the best out of video adver­tis­ing for their online adver­tis­ing agen­cies might do well to heed some new “best prac­tice” guid­ance from eMar­keter. The rise of inter­ac­tive It’s no secret that inter­ac­tive video adver­tis­ing is grow­ing. Video ad man­age­ment firm

Image engagement startup Thinglink moves to New York

Prod­uct man­agers on the look­out for up-and-com­ing ideas in the tech space might wel­come news that New York City is about to have a new res­i­dent: ThingLink, a start­up cur­rent­ly based in Helsin­ki which lets users tag dif­fer­ent fea­tures inside an image with links to