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Can Cameo do for mobile video what Instagram did for photos?

Expe­ri­enced tech prod­uct man­agers prob­a­bly wouldn’t raise an eye­brow upon hear­ing that anoth­er video shar­ing app has arrived. But one look at New York-based Cameo’s offer­ing might just have both of those eye­brows lift­ing in sur­prise. Video Edit­ing – the Full Mon­ty Unlike its rivals, which

Want to work out your agency’s media spend before running your campaign? Find out what the competition’s spending (and making) first with AdClarity

Whether you’re a busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er or an adver­tis­ing sales man­ag­er, max­i­miz­ing online adver­tis­ing sales is a promi­nent pri­or­i­ty. But just how do you plan and run the cam­paign, while get­ting the media spend just right, when you’re not sure what the com­pe­ti­tion is up

From photo-sharing for fashionistas to ecommerce for fashionistas: trendy New York social platform Trendabl takes a new step

New York-based social pho­­to-shar­ing plat­form Trend­abl, which has become the Insta­gram of fash­ion pho­tos, is tak­ing a bold step into e‑commerce just 18 months after its launch. And most sea­soned ecom­merce ana­lysts would prob­a­bly agree that it rep­re­sents a nat­ur­al next step. From shar­ing to shopping