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5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

So you’re look­ing for a social media job, but you aren’t sure what kind of qual­i­fi­ca­tions you might need or what the pay is like? Don’t feel too bad, even many of the com­pa­nies hir­ing a social media man­ag­er can’t answer those ques­tions objec­tive­ly. The truth

5 Virtual Reality Jobs that Pay the Most

5 Virtual Reality Jobs that Pay the Most

The Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty job mar­ket is about to explode.  With the recent intro­duc­tion of the Ocu­lus Rift and Microsoft Hololens two of the largest com­pa­nies in the world have begun to stake their claims in the newest high growth mar­ket. Tech­nol­o­gy gen­er­al­ly directs how we live

Will Robo-Advisors Become my Financial Adviser

Will Robo-Advisors become the New Financial Adviser?

Today’s Finan­cial Advis­er is becom­ing today’s Robo-Advi­sor. The ranks of today’s Finan­cial Advis­ers will most like­ly be sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced in the next 5 to 10 years and pos­si­bly much soon­er.  Instead of vis­it­ing with your local advis­er you will be man­ag­ing your mon­ey using your