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Walmart Mobile App Check out by Phone

To com­bat long waits at Wal­mart check out lines, the com­pa­ny is test­ing a new smart­phone mobile app check­out sys­tem at some of its stores.  Cus­tomers would scan their items with their phone and then bring every­thing to a self check­out counter for pay­ment. Walmart

Denon Electronics and BBDO Make Nice

Mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als and audio­philes alike may be inter­est­ed to learn that Denon and BBDO will be launch­ing an ad cam­paign com­prised of a ground­break­ing 75% dig­i­tal media. This may not be unusu­al for, say, a web­site, but it’s unusu­al to see an elec­tron­ics com­pa­ny pushing

WPP PLC shaves 0.5 percent off annual revenue forecast

The biggest adver­tis­ing com­pa­ny in the world, WPP PLC, has just announced a 0.5 per­cent cut in its 2012 rev­enue fore­cast, even though its first-half prof­it rose. The Wall Street Jour­nal reports that the adver­tis­ing leviathan believes its annu­al rev­enue will now be less than the

Big implications for smartphone market in Apple verdict

Apple’s recent vic­to­ry over Sam­sung in its patent dis­pute has increased pres­sure on the man­u­fac­tur­ers of smart­phones all over the world to design hand­sets which can stand up to the iPhone and offer con­sumers choice in a mar­ket worth approx­i­mate­ly $219.1 bil­lion. A jury decided

Hedge funds — a new product for the Madison Avenue touch?

Online adver­tis­ing agen­cies could be about to mar­ket hedge funds if a rule pro­posed by the Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion (SEC) receives pub­lic endorse­ment. As wide­ly fore­cast, SEC Com­mis­sion­ers have vot­ed to seek pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion on remov­ing near­ly 90 years of restric­tions on hedge fund

Can Swaylo acquisition boost Facebook’s fortunes?

The can­ny social media man­ag­er with his fin­ger on the market’s pulse may be inter­est­ed to hear that Face­book Inc. is poised to buy Threadsy Inc., the start­up soft­ware provider behind the cel­e­brat­ed social ana­lyt­ics tool Sway­lo. The move paves the way for Face­book to