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Advertising to the Marrow

It seems that every busi­ness needs some sort of adver­tis­ing to make them stand out from their com­pe­ti­tion. Even non-prof­its for bone mar­row dona­tion. DKMS Amer­i­c­as, a world­wide orga­ni­za­tion that facil­i­tates bone mar­row trans­plants for peo­ple with blood can­cer, among oth­er seri­ous dis­eases, recent­ly sent

Is 989 an Area Code or a Drink?

989 On Demand sounds like a sala­cious phone num­ber you call late at night, but it is actu­al­ly an inno­v­a­tive prod­uct from H2M Bev­er­ages. The lat­est in a mar­ket full of healthy drinks that promise to bal­ance your elec­trolytes and pro­vide ener­gy. H2M Bev­er­age is

Discovery Channel Slowing Down?

Though Dis­cov­ery Com­mu­ni­ca­tions’ Q2 report showed earn­ings up 15.4 per­cent from last year, the com­pa­ny plans to slow its pro­duc­tion dur­ing Q3. Accord­ing to, Dis­cov­ery Com­mu­ni­ca­tions CEO David Zaslav indi­cat­ed that the cul­tur­al appeal of the Olympics has affect­ed the num­ber of pre­mieres the

HP and Dell peer over the abyss as missed trends accumulate

Once seen as world-lead­­ing inno­va­tors, Hewlett-Packard and Dell are cur­rent­ly peer­ing over the abyss, with mar­ket val­ue for both firms nose­div­ing by 60 per­cent. Any tech-savvy chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer, prod­uct man­ag­er or busi­ness devel­op­ment asso­ciate can tell why.  Both firms have missed cut­ting edge trends

Can the Weatherman Predict the Next Election?

Want­i­ng some of the $9.8 bil­lion pie–estimated 2012 cam­paign spending–The Weath­er Chan­nel has part­nered with Jump­tap to offer mobile ads. Through The Weath­er Chan­nel mobile app, polit­i­cal can­di­dates will be able to have tar­get­ed ads appear on the devices of more than 30 mil­lion TWC