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New York startup Movable Ink breathes fresh life into email advertising with nifty new agileEMAIL platform

It’s prob­a­bly hard to find any­one with media jobs in online adver­tis­ing agen­cies enthus­ing about e‑mail ad cam­paigns these days; from the art direc­tor to the account man­ag­er, most con­sid­er the time and effort involved in design­ing, imple­ment­ing and mea­sur­ing email cam­paigns too cum­ber­some. But New York start­up Mov­able Ink is deter­mined to change all that with a nifty new plat­form called “agileEMAIL.”

A new solu­tion for a “bro­ken” art

Mov­able Ink’s co-founder and CEO, Vivek Shar­ma, con­cedes that email mar­ket­ing in its usu­al form is “bro­ken”, with too much time spent on tedious tasks and too lit­tle on being cre­ative. No art direc­tor rel­ish­es that kind of work and con­sumers tend to be decid­ed­ly under­whelmed by most of the pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al that ends up in their inboxes.

But since its launch in 2010, Mov­able Ink has been clev­er­ly breath­ing new life into email mar­ket­ing with tech­nol­o­gy that enables updat­a­ble real-time con­tent that con­tin­ues to “live” after the “Send” but­ton has been actioned. So far, its approach has been to offer a “piece­meal solu­tion”, says Shar­ma, but the new agileEMAIL plat­form will pro­vide “a broad­er view.”

Not only will the new tech­nol­o­gy allow com­pa­nies to go on embed­ding live and per­son­al­ized con­tent into their email ads as before, they can now ana­lyze the results of the cam­paigns they’ve cre­at­ed using agileEMAIL. Email ads can be made faster and the con­tent can be honed to be more up-to-date and tar­get­ed, too.

Faster, smarter, more targeted

Amongst the sev­er­al new mod­ules on the plat­form is a “Work­flow” unit that, Mov­able Ink claims, can import a design and con­vert it into a HTML tem­plate “in min­utes.” An Insights mod­ule pro­vides data not only on how many peo­ple opened the email and clicked but on cross-chan­nel con­ver­sion rates, too, while the new Action mod­ule tests dif­fer­ent emails and then uses para­me­ters like type of device and loca­tion to tar­get them more deftly.

Any email deploy­ment ser­vice can be inte­grat­ed with agileEMAIL (launch part­ners cur­rent­ly using the plat­form include Time Inc., RadioShack and Fin­ish Line). Shar­ma says that Move­able Ink is steadi­ly dis­pens­ing with lousy cook­ie-cut­ter cam­paigns. As he puts it:

“We think there’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a mag­i­cal expe­ri­ence for the inbox. Mar­keters don’t have an excuse to be lazy anymore.”

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