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New Voices Mobile App Will Get You More Work

‘Voic­es’ is a mobile appli­ca­tion for iPhone and Black­Ber­ry that pro­vides tens of thou­sands of eas­i­ly search­able voice actor pro­files and audio record­ings to make it eas­i­er for busy clients and voice actors to get connected.

The inter­net and the mobile rev­o­lu­tion are both at the fore­front of a major par­a­digm shift, with the con­nec­tiv­i­ty they pro­vide mak­ing it easy for media con­tent pro­duc­ers to find tal­ent on their own terms with­out the need of agen­cies, and for tal­ent­ed job-seek­ers to get noticed. Of-course, the inter­net would not be very use­ful with­out a place to get togeth­er, and is the answer to the voice-act­ing niche.

Like many oth­er job mar­ket web­sites, voice actors can use find jobs under a month­ly pric­ing plan, receive job noti­fi­ca­tions and post audi­tions, and clients can search through a direc­to­ry of tal­ent, lis­ten to audio sam­ples, and find the per­fect voice actor for the job at hand. Bare mind it is not only the small­er and less well-known com­pa­nies that use — com­pa­nies such as NBC, Com­cast and Microsoft are all tak­ing advan­tage of this unique web service.

Voic­es Mobile App In-Depth

While not much use for those seek­ing audio jobs, this app is per­fect for clients seek­ing voice actors. First and fore­most, this app pro­vides com­plete list­ings of audio record­ings from the legions of voice actors look­ing for work through the mar­ket­place, cov­er­ing every audio cat­e­go­ry includ­ing tele­vi­sion, pod­casts and movie trail­ers. The nav­i­ga­tion is sim­ple and easy to use, with each media cat­e­go­ry list­ing voice actors, and each voice actor list­ing their audio work, biog­ra­phy, plus a feed­back sec­tion and an option to email your­self the link for later.

Voic­es call it an app, but it is actu­al­ly lit­tle more than a glo­ri­fied book­mark which takes you to the web­site This means you can go to this address on your com­put­er web brows­er and sam­ple it before you down­load it to your phone.

How does Work? has all the hall­marks of a free­lance job mar­ket­place, though cater­ing specif­i­cal­ly to the mar­ket niche of voice act­ing. If you are a voice actor look­ing for work, then you can cre­ate a pro­file and gain access to a hub of oth­er voice actors and job list­ings.  You can be made aware of new job oppor­tu­ni­ties post­ed that match your cri­te­ria via email which removes the effort of look­ing for match­ing jobs yourself.

When you find a suit­able job list­ing, you then send pro­pos­als to sell your­self and explain why you are the right per­son for the job. Con­verse­ly, if you are look­ing for a voice actor to work on a project then you can post the job explain­ing what is need­ed and the bud­get involved. All audio mate­r­i­al is sent through the site, and the Sure­Pay escrow ser­vice keeps both par­ties finan­cial­ly protected.