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Media Jobs What is your Dream Job? Scholarship

Today’s media indus­try is vast­ly dif­fer­ent from the indus­try of 20 years ago.  There are many new oppor­tu­ni­ties. The indus­try demands flex­i­ble, moti­vat­ed and knowl­edge­able indi­vid­u­als who can think on their feet and make informed busi­ness deci­sions. Com­pe­ti­tion for jobs in the media indus­tries is very high.

Today the Media indus­try includes many seg­ments including:

Tra­di­tion­al Advertising
Dig­i­tal and Online advertising
Mobile Advertising
Cable television/Pay TV
Social Media

If you could have any job at any com­pa­ny in one of the seg­ments of media indus­try list­ed above what would it be?  What would be your dream job?

But the world is com­pet­i­tive so you’ll need to tell us why your dream com­pa­ny should hire you. What skills, knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence can you bring to the table? is offer­ing a $500 schol­ar­ship to a col­lege stu­dent who can con­vince us that they deserve a job like the one they describe.

Schol­ar­ship Essay Requirements:

In order to be con­sid­ered for the schol­ar­ship you need to do the following:

Stu­dent must write a min­i­mum of 1000 words about their dream media job.

You will need to include the following:

  1. Spec­i­fy the job title and respon­si­bil­i­ties (be spe­cif­ic like a job descrip­tion) and the com­pa­ny (include com­pa­ny details; web­site, address etc.)
  2. Job needs to be at a com­pa­ny in one of the media indus­tries list­ed on this page.
  3. Why is this your dream job?  (ie: sports fan, been to 100 Yan­kees games)
  4. What skills, obser­va­tions, and expe­ri­ences make you think you could do this job?
  5. What inno­va­tion do you think you could bring to the field of your choice?
  6. What would be a sign that you have suc­ceed­ed in this type of job?The best essay will give clear details, exhib­it cre­ativ­i­ty, and demon­strate the student’s pas­sion for the role and com­pa­ny.  Sub­stan­ti­at­ing your can­di­da­cy uti­liz­ing images, charts, num­bers, etc. will def­i­nite­ly improve your chances for win­ning this scholarship.

Who is Eligible: 

All stu­dents enrolled in any US col­lege or Uni­ver­si­ty as of Octo­ber 28th 2014.

Deter­mi­na­tion of Award:

The Schol­ar­ship will be award­ed to the stu­dent that builds the strongest case to be hired.  All essays meet­ing essay and eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments will be post­ed on the web­site for all vis­i­tors to see.   Deter­mi­na­tion of award win­ner will be decid­ed sole­ly by the man­age­ment of Media Jobs and its par­ent com­pa­ny, Man­hat­tan Cap­i­tal Group Inc.

Essay sub­mis­sions must meet all eli­gi­bil­i­ty and essay schol­ar­ship require­ments to be con­sid­ered for the award.

All essay schol­ar­ship sub­mis­sions become the prop­er­ty of and Man­hat­tan Cap­i­tal Group Inc.  All sub­mis­sions will be post­ed online once the sub­mis­sion peri­od has end­ed.  The schol­ar­ship award will be paid direct­ly to the winner’s school for cred­it to the student’s account.

How to Submit: 

Dead­line for sub­mis­sions is Octo­ber 28, 2014 at 12 mid­night East­ern Time

Please email com­plet­ed essays in a Word doc for­mat only, with name, mail­ing address, phone num­ber, email address, col­lege or uni­ver­si­ty enrolled in to include your cur­rent year, expect­ed grad­u­a­tion date and major to  All infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted must be cor­rect and accu­rate to be accept­ed for con­sid­er­a­tion. Schol­ar­ship ques­tions should be direct­ed to us at Con­tact Us

We encour­age any­one who has an inter­est in work­ing in the media indus­tries to sub­mit an essay entry as long as they meet the eli­gi­bil­i­ty requirements.