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Web Content Editor

We’re look­ing for an expe­ri­enced dig­i­tal pub­lish­er or a Con­tent Mar­keter or to fill the role of Web Con­tent Editor.

The Web Con­tent Edi­tor will man­age, exe­cute and con­tribute to the site’s con­tent strat­e­gy and work with exter­nal par­ties deliv­er on week­ly con­tent goals.  The role of the Con­tent Edi­tor is to cre­ate and source writ­ten, video, images,  info­graph­ics and oth­er rel­e­vant con­tent that is dis­played through­out the web site, it’s social media plat­forms and our syn­di­ca­tion part­ners.   In addi­tion to sourc­ing con­tent, the Con­tent Edi­tor ensures that high qual­i­ty stan­dards are met and con­tent both engages and attracts audi­ences. The Con­tent Edi­tor will be respon­si­ble for the qual­i­ty, time­li­ness and vis­i­bil­i­ty of con­tent to inter­est­ed users while main­tain­ing a month­ly edi­to­r­i­al calendar.

In sourc­ing con­tent, the Edi­tor will rely on a net­work of free­lance writ­ers, interns, inter­nal resources. Dili­gent doc­u­men­ta­tion and man­age­ment of these resources are para­mount to suc­cess with­in an edi­to­r­i­al posi­tion.  The Con­tent Edi­tor will also work with our SEO team to ensure that strate­gies and best prac­tices are strin­gent­ly followed.

The Con­tent Edi­tor will also be expect­ed to con­tribute orig­i­nal and inter­est­ing con­tent and con­tent strate­gies of his/her own on a week­ly basis.

Oth­er Attrib­ut­es That Will Help You in This Role:

You should be a strong self starter.
Some­one who is reg­u­lar­ly enjoys and takes ini­tia­tive and turn prob­lems into opportunities.
Sol­id inter­per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
Abil­i­ty to work on cross func­tion­al teams in both lead­er­ship and mem­ber roles
Strong pre­sen­ta­tion, writ­ing and research skills
Abil­i­ty to think out of the box and find cre­ative, unortho­dox solu­tions when needed
Expe­ri­ence or will­ing­ness to work with team mem­bers remotely
Must be able to pri­or­i­tize and han­dle mul­ti­ple assignments

Things That Should Be in Your Background:

Bach­e­lor’s degree required
Expe­ri­ence writ­ing news type articles
1–3 years of pro­fes­sion­al experience
Dig­i­tal­ly enabled; Expe­ri­ence and/or famil­iar­i­ty with Word­Press (or sim­i­lar blog­ging soft­ware) and Google Ana­lyt­ics (or sim­i­lar ana­lyt­ics soft­ware), Social Media
Excel­lent ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
Expe­ri­ence with web 2.0 tech­nolo­gies and social media tools
Basic knowl­edge of Search Engine Optimization


We want to be the last job you’ll ever apply to.  We do that by empow­er­ing our employ­ees to make deci­sions that evolve our orga­ni­za­tion. We’re a start up where you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow as we do.  We have invest­ed in the Media Indus­tries which are one of the fastest grow­ing seg­ments of our economy.